red 9


What's the story on the red 9 Mauser pistols? There is one in my shop waiting on me to find a spring for the rear site and see if I can get it to move. I doubt the gentle man will ever try to fire it. He said his father captured it in the first war. After his death the man who brought it to the shop said it hadnt been touched in 40 years. I believe him. But everyone is interested in the 9 carved in the stocks.
I have a refurb C-96 that was done up as a Red Nine. If it is going to be shot, make sure to replace the springs or risk a bolt in the face. I would also have a gunsmith familiar with these pistols look it over.
The original C 96 was chambered in 7.63 Mauser which was not a German military caliber. Due to the slow production of standard 9 mm 08 pistols the German army had Mauser produce C 96 in 9 mm. As there was a large number of regular C 96 in use as officer pistols the 9 mm guns got the big red 9 on the grip to avoid confusion, especially as you could chamber a 9 mm round into a 7.63 chamber by mistake.
There is a large number of 9 mm C 96 around that were later drilled out from 7.63 (as you can't change the barrel on a C 96 when it's shot out). So value needs a lot of research to confirm true WWI origin.
the 9 mm guns got the big red 9 on the grip to avoid confusion, especially as you could chamber a 9 mm round into a 7.63 chamber by mistake.
I think it's the reverse of what you're suggesting here. It was intended to remind soldiers not to use the 7.62 ammo in the larger 9mm chamber.
Mapsjanhere just got flipped is all, The point being Red Nine was for identification. 7.63x25 will wedge in that 9mm tight, not to mention 30 luger will close as well I believe.
That's one of the so-called Prussian Contract pistols, they made about 130,000 of them, with shoulder stocks and holsters. I think 1916 was the earliest delivery.

Some folks put repro Red 9 grips on bored-out .30 pistols, they're pretty easy to spot.
Most of the phony "red nine" pistols were 7.63mm Chinese imports from a few years back. Most of the barrels were in pretty bad shape and buyers wanted 9mm, so importers either had the barrels rebored and re-rifled or cut off and 9mm inserts installed. Then they put on fake "red nine" grips. While the importers never really claimed the guns were original WWI "red nine" pistols, subsequent sellers were less scrupulous and many were sold as original guns at high prices.

I have a "home made" Red 9. Bolo Mauser, made (as best I can tell) in the 20s. The gun looks like new, so at some time it was refinished, but expertly done. It is also in 9mm Luger, although I don't know who or when this was done.

When I ran across a set of Red 9 grips (that fit my frame) I put them on, to tell ME it was a 9mm. Plus, they look cool. So does the gun, and the shoulder stock/holster.

It is, however, the most unpleasant to shoot handgun I have ever had. Fun as a carbine, although a bit wobbly (you can compensate for this, easily enough), but as a handgun, I would highly recommend wearing at least a thin glove, or something to protect the palm and web on your hand!

That particular gun, stock, a separate holster, manual and some clips are on a friends table at a show, right now. IF someone wants it, they can have it, and no attempt will be made by me or my friend to represent it as anything other than what it is. No collector would be fooled for a minute, and the combination of finish and the asking price will tell anyone who has looked at Broomhandles at all that its a refinished gun with repo stock.

I mean, really, half the price of an original with almost no finish and a shot out barrel ought to be a clear tip off that its not a rare collectible, other than it being a Broomhandle.