Recreational pilots watch your six!


New member
While watching the evening news {yes, I messed up again!} It is "known now" to some uninformed government "officials" I supposed both types, that it is dangerous to fly with a single engine VFR ticket in adverse conditions and that new regulations should be considered! It was Brokaw on this evenings 17:30 CDT news. He didn't point a finger at his source for this comment but I can see the wheels turning. Civil aviation has taken a bunch of hits from the lawyers and insurance
carriers now it looks like more dumbasses are on the horizon!
Once again just my .02. Good shooting and flying as long as we are allowed.
Hank mile high club is safer in a P3-C

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited July 22, 1999).]
It is "known now" to some uninformed government "officials" I supposed both types, that it is dangerous to fly with a single engine VFR ticket in adverse conditions

Gasp. There's a shock. I haven't flown anything but MS Flight Simulator since 1989, and I know that.

and that new regulations should be considered!

Sigh. How many times do we need to say it?


Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
How about this: my brother had just received his wings (jet fighter) from the US Navy after about 600 flight hours (some from basic flight and some from jet school) and went with a few buddies to the local FAA office to get their private pilot's liscence. They refused to issue them liscenses. The FAA told them that they couldn't be sure that the Navy had given them the required training. They had to get their transcripts signed by their CO, who also called the office to give them a piece of his mind, before they finally issued the liscenses.

Just think, this is one federal agency telling the other that they don't know what they're doing.

I offer neither pay nor quarters nor provisions; I offer hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country in his heart, and not his lips only, follow me.
-Giuseppe Garabaldi
"... that they couldn't be sure that the Navy had given them the required training."

I can just see the FAA clerk now...

"So, how may night traps do you have in the Ceesna 152?"
It's gonna get worse. News reported today that some nutcase in Japan, who is addicted to flight simulator computer games, got into the cockpit of a 747, stabbed the pilot (who died) and took the controls for a while before being overpowered by the crew.
Two questions being asked very loudly. How did the nut get the knife on the plane? And how did he get into the cockpit?
This looks bad not only for pilots and aviation in general, but for the computer game industry as well.

I'll bet the powers that be are already at work on new regulations.
I don't see how this would portray flight sims in a bad light. Anybody with half a brain, which exclude Schumer, Sarah Brady, Feinswine, etc, will see this guy as being a few cans short of a six-pack to begin with.

Bureaucrats have a hard time dealing with anything that isn't arranged exactly the way they've been trained to expect it.

I offer neither pay nor quarters nor provisions; I offer hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country in his heart, and not his lips only, follow me.
-Giuseppe Garabaldi