Records show Democrat stall tactics in investigation


Moderator Emeritus

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Records show Democrats'
stall tactics

By Jerry Seper

emocrats on the House Government Reform
Committee sought for two years to delay and
obstruct the panel's campaign-finance investigation,
even telling a top White House aide to make himself
unavailable for a deposition to which he had been
subpoenaed, according to congressional records.
The documents, reviewed in the wake of
accusations this week by former Democratic
fund-raiser Johnny Chung that he was coached on
how to plead the Fifth Amendment before a 1997
appearance before the committee, outline a
suspected plan by Democrats to block the
committee's ongoing probe.
Republicans have begun an investigation to
determine what role Democrats played in trying to
protect the White House against accusations of
campaign-finance abuses.
Chung, in interviews this week with Fox News,
said Democrats sent his attorney a package of
materials explaining how he could avoid testifying.
The committee's minority counsel, Philip Schiliro,
told The Washington Times on Monday that Chung's
attorney, Brian Sun, had requested information on
whether he would be compelled to testify before the
panel and subjected to television cameras.....(more)[/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Is anyone surprised by this bit of inforamtion? "We got a lotta money from the PRC and we sure don't need to have anybody get to the bottom of how we sold out to the Chi-Coms."

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
This really burns me ... I have been thinking all along that our system of government was still intact, at least at some level, but the more Ihear of this stuff, the less convinced I am. I ahve a friend that truly believes that the Chinese will come calling for "what they bought and paid for" meaning the U.S.

After all, there are now cities on the west coast targeted by ICBMs from China ... if the Dems loose, it's a bit far fetched, but entirely within thier ability to say "sorry, but unless you want LA, San Diego, Seattle, etc... vaporized, you will leave a Dem (or even Klinton hissef) in office."

As I said, I am still clinging to the belief that this won't happen, but knowing how far this administration went to get re-elected just makes me wonder how much don't we know...
TR, you're kidding, right? We'd have to decide between BOTH Klinton and Kalifornia, or NEITHER?

Hmmm. I'd have to ponder that for several minutes (until I finished ROTFLMAO) before I began shouting BOMBS AWAY!!!
Yes, while it would be tempting to let the various cities simply take it, the aftermath would simply remain; a totalitarian government kept in place by the business end of a <gasp> GUN!

I think we as Americans are going to wind up paying the piper for following this pied piper down the road to *his* utopia.

I really don't think it's going to come to this, but then, I never thought I'd ever see the day when I take home nearly as much for working 19 hours as I do for working over 40, nor did I think it would ever happen that I would have to seriously consider putting my daughter in a private high school because I just can't seem to find a public one that still teaches the values my family holds dear, let alone trying to take my guns from me.