records of non-prosecutted gun law violations


New member
Please bear with me on this....
It occurs to me after the crimminals who broke into my friends gun store got off so easy....considering the law states that "each count of theft or use of a gun is 10 years"(I hope I got that right), That we could drown these anti gunners/politicians in a maze of laws that are being ignored or bargained away and actually give case nbrs and history,,,,including those who have been let off with out those laws applying and continue to commit additional crimes.....It seems to me that the various jurisdictions in this country are so tuned into barganing these laws away---that perhaps these practices could be exposed, tiher at grass roots level with adds ran in the local papers...if it could be done do you think it would bring public attention around to the laws that are already being ignored and possibly force the local legal eagles to enforce those laws?......just thinking about the logistics boggles my mind, but if madd can do it....why cant we?...fubsy.

You and your friend have intimate knowledge of the crime, names of perps and the dispensation of the case; details that most pro-gun activists don't have.

I suggest you and your buddy enlist the aid of like-minded locals and barrage the local newspapers with letters, call local radio, local TV, etc.

Compose a simple, short but detailed letter
1)the crime
2)the amount of guns taken and this up
3) the names of the perps
4) their sentences
5) what they could/should have gotten
6) then something about why more laws when criminals dead to rights are given wrist slaps.

Keep harping on the same the anti's do...repeat, repeat etc. Let the people know that the judicial system really isn't interested in prosecuting criminals. And if any of the missing guns are ever recovered in subsequent crimes the fault lays squarely on the DA and Judges.
Histrionic? Sure, but it works

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC...that is exactly were im trying to lead this discussion..only I want everyone to look in their own area's and lets start taking it to these anti-constitutional types---im worried that once again our *pro-second amendment* organizatins and politicians are going to sell us out for what they perceive as a political necessity.fubsy.
I wonder what I could find out through FOIA--I'm going back to my home address Friday when school ends, and I'm close to both my County seat and state capital. Who would have these kinds of records--Attorney General, local prosecutor's office, sherriffs office (doubtful)--who do I ask? Frankly, I expect some resistance on this topic so I'd rather know who has the files than ask someone who can end my little expose by saying someone else has the records.
Jim March, where are you? If someone can help please get in touch before Friday or I'll be gone. Thanks.

If you are interested in just your local town, the DA is the place to get it. The DA would have records of all prosecuted cases and their dispensation.
Call and or go in and ask...if they stonewall, then file FOIA.

I have a bunch of stuff on FOIA and will set it up on my website

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Thanks DC, I just downloaded it. I'm not sure how my family is going to like my new activism, they're kinda quiet people--but they'd also hate to lose their guns. Anyway, I'm leaving tomorrow so I appreciate the quick help.