Recommended guides for hogs?


New member
Hey guys,

Can you recommend any Texas hog hunting guides that you have had experience with?

I'm looking for a low fence or fair chase hunt.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Sorry, my experiences in Hog hunting aren't guided. Just a bunch of rednecks in a truck with night vision and permission from some farmers.
Hogs go under or thru fences. "Low Fence" phrase doesn't fit with hog hunting. They destroy fences, crops, and pastures. Someone needs to create a poison for hogs and kill them all. Some guides purposely release hogs into an area. These people need to be covered in peanut butter and staked out for the hogs to eat slowly. I kill every hog I see on my land. Due to the irresponsible actions of some "city people" and due to all the insurance a landowner better have now days if you lease out to hunt, I do not let anyone on my land. Period.
My guide is also my best buddy through the years, provides his home and family for me and my dog as well as seven hogs so far this week. Last night I took a 350 pound ugly boar with one shot (that is all I have) from my AAC Handi Rifle in 300 Blackout, he went about fifty yards and croaked.
Thanks to my personal guide this has been an exciting time for me, maybe I can get him to post a photo as I lack the ability.
I shot a hog almost identical to the one in the picture, difference was, mine was a sow with a belly full of babies when I field dressed it. 1 shot in the side of the head with a 7MM rem mag..down she went..Nice picture, great memory, thanks