Recommendations please, for a 30-06


New member
I'd like to acquire a new/used "good shootin' 30-06" with the following criteria:

(1) a good shooter... oops, already mentioned that, didn't I? :)
(2) "inexpensive"... I don't want to spend more than $400.
(3) wood stock preferred. I prefer these to synthetic -- more pleasing to my eye.
(4) iron sights. I don't intend to scope it right now, but might some day in the future -- hence the need for iron sights.
(5) Fairly substantial in weight -- to help with the felt recoil, especially since I might not scope it.
(6) longer barrel is better, to make more use of the cartridge's capabilities.
(7) accurate.

I intend to use the rifle for the following purposes:
(1) usually just a range gun... something to take along a couple times a year... just to experience a few blasts of that All American 30-06 cartridge... for grins and loud noise.
(2) maybe a deer rifle on occasion when the 30-30 gets too heavy (that's a joke, son).
(3) probably never, but you never know... elk/moose gun ... in the off chance that I ever do this, (and probably won't).

I appreciate your recommendations. Thanks.
Didn't say what action type. If you hustle, you can beat the June 1st price increase on the M1 from the CMP ($400 + $19.95 shipping). It fulfills the wood, sights, long barrel and weight requirements. Unless you get a real beater, it will be at least a decent shooter. Accuracy might not be as good as a good bolt action, but for experiencing the great American .30-06, there's none better than a working piece of history in the great American M1.
I have a Garand and thoroughly enjoy it, but I'm mostly partial to bolt guns.

One thing about an older gun which is a bit scruffy: It'll probably shoot reasonably close to the capabilities of modern production, and you can tinker with it without worrying about "Learner's Hickies".

The old 721 Remington, the precursor to the 700 series, has very good lines to it. Since they generally aren't collector type guns, they can be bought cheaper than a lot of stuff.

The gripes against the Model 70s of 1964 and later was the change in the safety and the rolled-in "checkering". But they shoot good.

I dunno. Go to several gun shows; look, feel and fondle. If you find something you like, try to buy it on Sunday afternoon for "the best cash deal".

Just don't be in a hurry, unless it seems like "the perfect deal" for you...

Regards, Art
I'd suggest a Savage bolt gun, in the 110 series. These can be had for well within your price range (some come as package deals with pretty good scopes already mounted) and are excellent shooters. I like the Winchester m70 and Remington 700 series for sentimental reasons, but experience dictates that I tell it like it is: every Savage I've owned or fired has shot the daylights out of the Winchesters and Remingtons. Take a look at 'em. Should be no more that $350 out the door. Good Luck!

semper ubi sub ubi
I'll toss my recommendation into the ring - a Marlin MR-7. I have one in 30-06 and it does everything I ask of it. A friend recently bore-sighted a Redfield 3x9 scope on it, and the first four shots out of a cold barrel at 100 yards grouped at 1", with two shots through the same hole. It gobbles up any type of ammo (light to heavy grain) and has a number of nice features like a removeable magazine, three-way safety latch, adjustable trigger and a real nice checkered walnut stock. The barrel is 22" and the wood finish and metal bluing are superb. The rifle comes with sling swivel studs mounted.

I think I paid $415 for it and it's a keeper. Good luck with your decision.

A Rem. 700 would be good, an 03A3 Spring field would be better :), An M1 Garand NOW YOU ARE TALKING!! :D :D

Remington still makes the model 700 ADL in wood... you may have to order one. They have sights, a 24" standard barrel, and fall short of $400.00. I would go with this rifle if I were you. You won't get a Winchester for that price... the Marlin model MR-7 has been dis-continued, making parts a big??????
I had nothing but problems with my Savage model 110K years ago. The bolt was garbage! I have worked on many Savage 110 rifles over the years, and have not found one that even began to impress me. I'm a Winchester man, but I also own and respect the design qualities of the 700. Hmm... If you can find a Ruger M-77 MarkII with wood... that would make a decent rifle. But add about $75.00 for a trigger job!!! GO WITH A 700 ADL WOOD!!
They are hard to beat dollar for dollar!

I have a Savage model 110 in 30.06. Bought it used for $275. I've put several hundred rounds through this gun without a problem, accuracy is good enough for the purposes you mentioned.
I second the recommendation on the 700 Synthetic which can be had for about $350--it has sights but no wood. A much more elegant rifle in appearance, in my opinion, is the blued M-77 which is regularly on sale for just less than $400, without sights at this price. I'm not too fond of used rifles probably because of my ignorance and lack of skills in checking it out. The one thing you will know with Ruger, whether you buy new or used, they WILL stand behind their product!