Recommendations on a Martial Arts forum?


New member
Not that I don't love TFL! ;)

My own meager search has turned up mostly low traffic, school-specific MA boards, or NHB-type fansites with a lot of posturing. Is there any good MA forums out there that approach TFL's quality?

Sorry Paladin,
Being cruisin' the internet for the last couple of years...only found what you did.
You might trying some of the TFL links...
You might try It was pretty good (toward the beginning) when I used to go there. I was even a moderator for a while, but we removed our forum because our kancho likes to have direct oversight.
You can probably tell by the name, though, that it's aimed at Japanese arts...
Thanks both of you, I guess it's hard to find a good mixed martial arts forum because those who are really good would rather train than sit in front of a PC! ;) It also seems that the competitive/combative nature of martial arts tends to bleed into the discussion; there's only so many times diplomats can say "It's not the art but the fighter" while true believers can't go long before wanting to meet and throw down. Of course those short tempers could go a ways to finding out what's the "ultimate art"! ;)

After all, the whole dueling martial artists of old thing doesn't happen today... does it?

The main board is rather confusing and, at times, childish (as it is not moderated at all). But the individual style forums (BJJ, Judo, Sambo, wrestling, etc. etc.) are moderated by experts who are generally reasonable and knowledgeable.

You might want to check it out.

Ditto on the recommendations. There is a tremendous wealth of knowledge on that site.
Triple ditto on you
are interested in actual fighting.

While it isn't moderated per se, if an individual
is out of control and cusses, etc...they will
be banned. So it is mostly tame (except
for the otherground forum which quickly devolves
into sex and religion on almost everything, but
that's why it's keep that crap out
of the martial arts forums).

Hey, gotta chime in on this one to mention some of my favorite sites/discussion boards.

For a swords and swordsmanship specific site try Sword FOrum International at They have discussion boards for western sword arts, Japanese sword arts and Chinese sword arts, not to mention a lot of general discussion on swords as well.

Also, for a western arts specific site try the Historical Armed Combat Assoc. at They have discussion boards for both armed (mostly swordsmanship) and unarmed MA.

Good luck!
Matt Wallis