Recommendations for selling a collector


New member
I brought my near mint pre-70 series Colt Commander Lt. Wt. 9mm to my local dealer to sell. He commented on its fine condition ( I bought it new in 1969 and have original bill of sale/manuel) but only offered $350. Before leaving I noticed he was selling a Colt Commander ,also made in the 60's and same condition thought in .45) for $800. Is the 9mm worth that much less? Isn't the 9mm more valuable as there were fewer made. Can anyone suggest a good way to market this gun? Thanks for your ideas.
I would think it's worth pretty close to the $800, or whatever the market will bear. I suspect the dealer is trying to rip ya off if its as you describe.

9mm should be a little more valuable than 45, IMO, because their were fewer made, but that's my subjective guess.

I would market it thru this website. I have used it and it's a great resource! You can sell it in-state (depending on your local laws) without an FFL, and you as owner can ship it to a FFL for an out of state sale if that is required by the receiver's state laws.

Get a cashier's check or postal money order before you ship. YMMV HTH

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
It has been my experience that when you sell a gun for cash to a dealer, you get screwed big time. The $350 offer sounds pretty bad, but doesn't surprise me. I would suggest, trying to sell it here, or or maybe shotgun news.

As to marksmanship, it is not what you once did, rather it is what you can do on demand.

[This message has been edited by six 4 sure (edited January 06, 2000).]
You could also try to find a dealer that will sell your gun on consignment. For about 15% of the selling price they will do all of the paperwork and showing of the gun. I sell mine this way even though it costs me money because:
1. I don't want people coming to my house looking at my guns
2. I don't have to worry about selling to anyone who shouldn't have it (even though I don't think it is a seller's legal responsibility to determine that)
3. Around here everyone wants to trade you a set of used tires and/or pay you $15 a month if they can have the gun now. It seems like guns might be hard to repossess.
Also look into

It's an auction-style site but the main thing is that it's free and you can set the minimum bid and reserve for the pistol. It also helps to have a picture posted as well.
Don't get your feelings hurt, a dealer will usually offer a wholesale price. It's just business. Go with one of the suggestions above and sell to an end user. I have a dealer that charges 10% to sell a gun for me. It's like selling your car, you usually will get a better price by selling to an individual than trading or selling it to a dealer.