Recommendation: "green+yeloow" Remington 147gr 9mm

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I have recently tied them side-by-side with Golden Sabres. The more expensive ammo is longer in length which means I cannot eject an unfired round from a Glock 17 (it hangs up badly on the ejection port). I examined a "generic JHP" bullet recovered froma wet was slightly but perfectly expanded (to about 13mm) and the jacket was intact. Looking at the back of it, I found out why it is shorter overall: instead of flat bottom it is convex. It looked almost like 38/200 Webley projectile. I suspect thatthe deeper seating in the case also means faster powders. Muzzle flash was nil, in any case. That ammo runs under $12 per 50 locally which also helps. If you like heavier bullet weight, green box Remington seems to be good enough.

PS: That round worked equally well froma P11, 92fs and G17.

Oleg "peacemonger" Volk