Recommendation for a GPS unit


New member
The "Recommendation for range finder" thread got me thinkin' about Christmas too.

I'm lookin' at gettin' a good GPS unit decked out with all kinds of gadgets at a reasonable price. I would like for it to be nearly industructable and waterproof too, if possible.

Anyone got one they'd recommend?

God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!

oberkommando sez:
"We lost the first and third and now they are after the Second!(no pun intended)"
I've used a Garmin for the last few years (currently using a 12XL) and for my money they make the best unit on the market. The software is excellent, the ergonomics are good and they are easy on the batteries. With the 12XL, I can step out on my deck, get a position fix, then walk back into the house and as long as I'm within 6' or so of the windows, it maintains a lock on the satellites. Four or five years ago, this would have been unheard of (the receiver needs unobstructed line-of-sight to work best) but with the newer parallel receiver designes, the GPS units are excellent at holding onto a fix even when moving under cover

There are lots of models all targeted at different applications so which model you buy depends entirely on what you want to do with it. I use mine backpacking and hunting so a small, lightweight, unit was my overriding concern. At the time I bought the 12XL, it was one of the smallest and lightest on the market. Garmin has other models now that are smaller and lighter than the 12XL.
I own a Garmin III+, and it has been excellent.

Yes, you can navigate with this little bugger. :) I have the US Highways and Parks CD to go along with it and with a Laptop 'puter, you'll be very pleased.

Also, i am on the ocean quite abit and use it to mark the locations of instrumentation i've installed. Very handy.

Furthermore, the battery life (AA x4) is very good, i don't even wory about having the cigarette adapter.

With GPS units, spend the extra money and get a chartplotter model, you won't regret it.


"[Even if there would be] few tears shed if and when the Second Amendment is held to guarantee nothing more than the state National Guard, this would simply show that the Founders were right when they feared that some future generation might wish to abandon liberties that they considered essential, and so sought to protect those liberties in a Bill of Rights. We may tolerate the abridgement of property rights and the elimination of a right to bear arms; but we should not pretend that these are not reductions of rights." -- Justice Scalia 1998
I will second the recomendation for Garmin.

I also have had a Garmin 12XL for about 4-5 years and still love it. It will find the satalites when others can't. I had a Magellin for about a week before I took it back and got the Garmin.

Depends on what you will use it for but the 12XL is a great unit.
Just to be different, I have a Magellan 315 that I have been using a lot this year to acout for deer along with general hiking in unknown woods. Make sure you get one with parallel reciever. Other than that, go for light weight and small size. Mine has more features than I use.
It depends what you want the GPS for. I spoke to Delorme who make the mapping software I use and the 3-D topo DVD that I want to run and they recommended Garmin over all others. I like the III+, but for my use I settled on the StreetPilot with the computer interface/power cable. I did not want to spend the money for the additional internal maps or chip when I can link to the laptop in the car using the Delorme maps. On the motorcycle I can run just the StreetPilot and use the internal map.

Try these links:
to buy: (some good info on accessories) (where I bought mine from $395)
(good price but did not have it in stock)

[This message has been edited by Jeff OTMG (edited September 15, 2000).]
I just recently purchased the Garmin eTrex Summit (new model) for use on a hunting trip in October.

It is small 4.4"x2"x1.2" (fits in shirt pocket), lightweight (5.3oz.) and has more features than I actually need.

It was priced within my projected budget for a GPS.

The software can be upgraded by down loading from the Garmin site with the addition of a accessory cord.

You can find good prices at


Jim - NRA Life Member