recoil spring installation


New member
In the past when I've replaced recoil
springs in my Government model, they
were identical on both ends.

I just bought a Wilson. It is NOT the
same on each end. On one end the coil is
a half coil.

What is the installation procedure?
Which end goes where?

The narrow end goes on the recoil spring guide, wide end toward the recoil spring plug.

Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war.
The "open" end goes to the front, The recoil spring plug should have a dimple on the inside that the spring locks on to. Before you push the spring home, give the plug a turn until it locks on the spring. JMB designed the dimple for that reason.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I guess all springs aren't the same, all the Wolff springs I use for the 1911 have one end smaller than the other. :) Sorry 'bout that!
Hi, Jim V,

Some of the "clones" don't have the dimple. I guess, like Sport says, they didn't know what it was for and dropped it. Or it costs .0003 cents, and is too expensive.
