Recoil Mania - Big Horn Spike Driver S&W460 Magnum & S&W500 Magnum


New member
WOW beautiful works of art and functional at that wheww big boomers. I have always heard of these and seen them on the web but never thought I would ever see one in person let alone hold one and get to shoot one. WOW what a day.

Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did -- Though I learned CFEBLK does not like short barrels.

What do you think capable of taking anything in the lower 48?
I've got a 444 Marlin that will launch a 265 grainer at 2,400 fps. It would definitely stop a charging bunny. Haven't killed anything with it yet, but it's in the plans!
I shot a 100lbs deer t 60yrds with a .444Marlin rifle running 240's at 2450fps. The buck was facing me so I tried to shoot it in the neck just under the chin to pop the head off. Instead the bullet turned and travelled along the spine detonating every vertebrae it came across and filling the meat in the front half with bone fragments. The bullet stopped at the vertebrae where the ribcage ended and was fully mushroomed and had lost about half its weight (I still have that bullet somewhere). What we got out of it was the hams and half of one backstrap. Everything else was bloodshot or inedibly full of bone bits. The big bore stuff is crazy strong. I put a hose in the body cavity to wash out the bloodshot and when I came back a few minutes later it looked like a fur lined condom without a speck of meat connected to the skin.
my 460 S&W mag is in a first run ruger #1 with a 22" barrel and it will handle any thing you want to stuff in it, but your shoulder will cry uncle before you get to the max load in it.

Cmon you can't drop that on us and just walk away. Show us some pictures and tell us about the conversion process please, pretty please. What you want to see a man beg?

My bad here when you said early model I thought potentially you went through a conversion of some sort or are you saying you purchased an off the shelf 460. Either way I want pictures LOL.
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When I had taken my new Cooper MDL22 to a gunsmith to buy rings and have them lapped and the scope bore sighted and mounted, we ended up talking guns for a bit.

He had been to South Dakota and was able to take a Bison bull, with a handgun. You guessed it a S&W 460. He was busting at the seems proud, had pics on his phone and a cool story. He was allowed to harvest this bison on tribal land for services he had provided. He did pay for them to prepare the meat, and prepare the hide in a blanket mount.

So as to the S&W 460 and 500 being suitable for any game in the lower 48, I would say that these chambering are not only suitable for the lower 48, but suitable for the whole darned 50. I have read about hunters taking the big 5 in Africa with these.

I have craved a Big Horn Spikedriver in either chambering, and if I can swing it may be my next firearms acquisition. I am leaning towards the 460 because of the superior selection of bullets.

I envy your acquisition and hope to join you soon.
my ruger is a standard issue , blued model #11340 1-S with a 22 " barrel # 134-36246. they brought out a second issue with a 20" barrel not too long ago. my camera makes the pictures to big to post.