Recoating some Hornady 45s for fun.


New member
I got some older Hornady 255gr. 45's that were kinda powdery white, probably oxidation, and so I boiled them with some Dawn to get that and any of the factory lube off.
They cleaned up really nice.

Then I tumbled with some HF red in the Airsoft BBs (black, .25g) and baked at 400° for 20 mins.
Here they are, as baked.

Then after sizing. The knurl pattern is still there, but they are completely coated and are very slippery.

I'm pretty happy with the results. I think the physical application of banging around with the BBs was really beneficial on these.
I could have instead tumbled them in some Alox after cleaning them up, but this was more fun and made a finished bullet that is cleaner and easier to handle and store. I don't have any more of these, but I just wanted to see how these 200 would turn out.

Now, to run em through the Peacemaker. :)
Looks good.
Please stop posting pictures of PC bullets. You're going to get me in trouble when my wife finds out I bought another toaster oven, and it wasn't for the kitchen... ;)

FYI - Hornady uses a dry lube on their swaged bullets. That's what the white powdery crap is. (Side note: It makes me sneeze like crazy, any time I work with those bullets. :rolleyes:)
FYI - Hornady uses a dry lube on their swaged bullets. That's what the white powdery crap is.

Ahh. Thanks. I knew they were pretty old stock and I have bought old bullets and BP balls that were white and powdery too, that weren't lubed. I hadn't seen the white powdered lube. Maybe they would have shot as they were.
It cleaned up nicely with some Dawn anyway! :)
Please stop posting pictures of PC bullets.

If he did that we wouldn't hardly see ANY pictures from him....:eek:

Who knows maybe he will post some up of those painted ones after they crashed into something besides the business end of a hammer...:p:D
Ha! I have never posted any pics of a hammer-smashed bullet. :p

I don't do the wipe or smash tests on any of my coated stuff. It worked right from the start and I felt lucky and didn't change a thing!;)

Now..... I gotta go take some pics of my new mold..... :D
Although some people say they work just fine....
I haven't had much luck in trying to keep the leading down with those bullets. (.32 HBWC, .32 SWC, .44 SWC.) There just isn't enough lube, and the knurled portion of the bullet gets crushed so easily that most of the bullets that I have fired have shown substantial evidence of skidding on the rifling.

I'm sure they're better off coated. ;)

What I have now are remnants from before I started casting. I'll shoot them up, or sell/trade them off; but I won't be buying more.
I gave 12 bucks for a box of 200 of these. (old stock).
That's 7.3# of lead, so I figured it was a fair price since it was already bullet-shaped. :) I won't purposefully buy any more.
I can't imagine buying them for regular prices. eek:
Midway price on em
Holy [expletive], those have gone up in price!...

I just need a couple quality hollow base molds for my .32s and .44, and I'll be happy. And if I ever get around to trying PCing... even better. ;)