Recieved a letter from sen. FRED THOMPSON


New member
A while back I wrote my senator Fred Thompson a letter concerning my opposition for further gun control. Today I got a response and I'm proud to say Sen Thompson is 100% pro-gun.

Here is an exert from the letter.

"Evidence does not suggest that gun bans reduce the crime rate. Furthermore, I do not think we should breach the constitutional right of Americans to own firearms."

Tompson continues by stating that laws were already broken in many of the shootings such as columbine and that more laws would have had no effect. He then further discusses why he votes against further gun legislation and gives specific examples, he even sent a transcipt of his opposition to a gun control measures proposed in some of the bills before congress. Im proud to have a senator with common sense who is willing to fight for our rights.
I know there are good senators out there, just wish I had one.... the letters I have gotten back from mine... Boxer & Fendsteen have both said the same thing.... polite, but I'll do what I want so don't bother me.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Fred Thompson is a great guy that deserves our support and credit. Rod Grams from my home state of Minnesota is another standout that, of course, gets crucified on his RKBA and other conservative stands by our local newspapers. (Unfortunately, we're not nearly as proud of our other senator, the infamous Paul Wellstone--reputedly the most liberal member of the Senate.)

How is it that a state like Tennesee can support Fred Thompson AND Al Gore? How can a state like Minnesota elect Rod Grams AND Paul Wellstone? Pretty schizophrenic if you ask me.

Same as Bookie, although from Nevada Senators. I routinely getting patted on the head by "I am a gun owner too, but we need . . ." Reid. Bryan, who is retiring (amen!) only answered the auto-email send by Morris.

On the other hand, Cong. Jim Gibbons is OK so far, better than most Repubs. The two Sens. are Demos (surprise, surprise).

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.

Feinstein has NEVER responded to the dozen or so letters or two dozens emails I have sent in the last eighteen months. Boxer sent me a few email responses, all saying that basically she knew what was best for me even if I didn't. You must be blessed or something. Interesting...

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.
MLT, how can people in the state of Tennessee support both Thompson and Al Gore, tough question. Southern democrats and republicans have a lot of the same values, but in the south, the Republican party is seen to be bought and paid for by big business. I my self, always tended to lean towards the Democratic party until the present administration came in.

Tennessee has a favorite son in Al Gore. The basic thought is that with him in the White House, there would be more Federal money for the state than if another President was in office. Something needs to be understood, Tennessee is a very conservative state politically. We have a Republican Governor, our two Senators are Republican, and the majority of US representatives are Republican.

The state can be divided into three regions, each is different politically. The eastern part of the state is Republican, also has lowest population. Middle Tenn. is moderate, can go either way. And the west is pro democrat. The city of Memphis, which has a large black population, heavily favors Gore.

The big question here is can Gore carry Tennessee in the national election. I think he can based on a heavy support by the black population and I think most women will vote for him. He has done well distancing himself from Clinton, and his wife Tipper is a lady while Hilleary is a B!tch.

I do not want to sound racist. Going on memory only, comments above are based on polls that have shown a black 90-10 support Gore vs. Bush taken in this state. Same polls have shown women support Gore 60-40 and white men support Bush 70-30.

The only thing I am sure of is, I am not voting Democratic for the President this election.


I have written, e-mailed, and called the offices of Senators Fred Thompson and Bill Frist and my representative Van Hillary on a variety of issues. All have always responded by letter. I have also recieved letters detailing their positions on issues from previous letters that I have sent them when that issue was being voted on.

[This message has been edited by johnboy (edited November 04, 1999).]

You are partialy right and partialy wrong about Tennesseans supporting Al Gore. I live in E.Tn and everyone I know thinks Gore is a political joke. The thing is nobody likes Gore except for a few people who hold governmental positions.

Gore attempts to shape public opinion into getting the public to beleive that all tennesseans support him but in reality we dont. Iin W.Tn there maybe a few people who support Gore but everyone I know here on the East side hates him.
Thompson is a good man. Our other Senator, Bill Frist, is also 100% pro-gun. And I'm proud to say so is my Representative, Ed Bryant. Hell, we did it right, yet we still have to suffer the BS from Fienstien, Shumer and the like. It really pisses me off.

As for Gore, he is NOT a Tennesseean. He was raised in Washington, D.C. and grew up attending private ivy league schools. He hasn't got a clue what life is like for the average Tennesseean. No real Tennesseean will claim him. And I don't think he has a prayer of carrying Tennessee in the election.
BTW: Don't let Tipper fool ya. She just has better manners than Hillary.
Solo, thanks for validating the pole. :) As I said East Tennessee is predominantly white and Republican. Middle Tenn. is more moderate and has Nashville that tends to balance the rural conservatism. Who gets this part of the state has more to do with the weather on election day than politics. Cause its even. Memphis in west Tenn. has Ford for a representative. He wins reelection every time because of who his daddy was and where he is from - Memphis.

If you checked on all the people from Tennessee who logged on this board you would find them, I would wager, to be white-anglo-saxon-protestant. And who are we not going to vote for, the democrats.

Grayfox is right. We did it right, we elected progun senators, representatives and governor. Al Gore when he voted to end the tie in the senate on the juvenile crime bill went against both of our senators.

Now I know there are good people in California and up north, but I am getting tired of ***holes in California telling me what is right and wrong, and what's legal and what's not with respect to guns. All I can do, I am doing, writing letters to my representatives, and VOTING. I vote, I tell them all the people I know vote, and I remember how they vote.

[This message has been edited by johnboy (edited November 05, 1999).]