Recidivism could be coming to your city

cabin pressure

New member

Now I'm against the war on americans possessing certain drugs, but decades of statistics prove that when these crack dealers/users are released, they have a very very high probability of engaging in crack again (at least). I don't care about the crack, it's the armed robbery, muggings, gang activity, drug turf wars, holdups, thefts etc etc that will magically follow these former crack dealers/users.

Heck I'd re legalize drugs so the turf wars would end (because the profit motive would be cut drastically and legitimate stores could sell things like cocaine/opium/marijuana again). That would make these people who are about to be released a lot less dangerous, but the federal government never lets go of it's power without a big fight.

This is a lot of crack dealers/users who are about to hit the streets and I don't think they're going to cause crime to go DOWN. Between all these shootings lately, this move could result in the media being able to ratchet up the fear of "crime" so as to ban guns, in a way they haven't been able to do in over a decade.

I don't see anything to be optimistic about from this story. Do you? Well, now that I think about it, this could cause the fence sitters to get their carry permits.

re·cid·i·vism /rɪˈsɪdəˌvɪzəm/ [ri-sid-uh-viz-uhm]
1. repeated or habitual relapse, as into crime.
2. Psychiatry. the chronic tendency toward repetition of criminal or antisocial behavior patterns.
[Origin: 1885–90; < L recidīv(us) relapsing (recid(ere) to fall back (re- re- + -cidere, comb. form of cadere to fall) + -īvus -ive) + -ism]

—Related forms
re·cid·i·vist, noun, adjective
re·cid·i·vis·tic, re·cid·i·vous, adjective