Recent Republican History


New member
Do you all remember the "contract with america?" Well I'm wondering what became of that. How much of it did the republicans actually get done as opposed to what they say they've done? And what have their reasons been for the things not accomplished?

I ask this because of all the Libertarian / Republican threads lately. Just wondering if there is still a party that follows through with what they say. (Not that I agree with what they are saying.)

Dennis- Libertarians are not included in the last statement. Haven't held enough power yet.
Well, technically, the Republicans kept their word. They brought all the items up for vote that they said they would (remember, they never guaranteed they all would pass). I think most of them actually did pass, but were vetoed. Some of the rule changes as to how congress works they passed, and are in most cases ignoring the new rules.
Guys, Republicans in general did not do what they promised. I can give umpteen examples, but SOME Republicans did do what they promised. They rejected all proposed gun control. Yes they were in the minority, but they are still in the game. The bad news is these same defenders of the 2nd can still get loose with the first. R. Barr in hearings, suggested prosecuting medicinal mariuana proponents on RICOH statutes. The same man who has a reasonable understanding of the 2nd, has no problem putting free speach advocates in prison in ignorance of the 1st. Just because a candidate supports your right to own and bear guns does not mean he thinks you have any inalienable right to be left the hell alone.
Sad, Sad fact.
I feel as do many others that my basic principles have been abondoned by the Republican party. However, being a Realist, I think that the best thing to do is to vote in the primaries for your candidate(Libiarian or otherwise) than we must vote in the General Election for Whoever wins.
To do otherwise would be to insure the election of Al Gore!!!!! Can you imagine???
After this election we must unite & send a very strong, united message to the Republicans to get back to basics or we absolutely will go third party in 2004.
The Republican leadership on so many issues have sole this nation down the river since Clinton ca`me in. They supporeted Nafta and our manufacturing base is nearly kaput. Our taxes are rising like the national debt. The republicans have given Bill a free ride and he now rules like a Imperator. Under the Republicrats, our military has sunk to a pathetic level:reuced to bombing civilians around the world like Nazis. THe republicrats could have not only stopped the destruction of our military but could have stopped Clinton in his tracks from bombing half the world whenever he wants to. When the final chapter is written on America's decline and fall, the republicrats will have played a role as lookers on if not as direct conspirators.Teddy Roosevelt would have deepsixed the entire lot of them. Only a few like Sony Bono, Bob Barr, Helen Chenowith, Tom Delay, and Ron Paul stood up, but even these are silent now(Sony Bono is silent because he was murdered) Ron Paul should be pounding his desk to high Heaven demanding the heads of Reno,etall. but is strangely silent. Maybe the opposition we saw was purely theater,because nothing has resulted from it but Bill closer to pure Dictatorship.
So what I'm hearing is that only a few of the Repubs. actually are standing behind what they said they would do and some of them raise questions as to their support of some Civil Liberties. The strong ones are becoming strangely quiet. Yet there is still (probably) a majority of people here saying we should support them.

I understand Gore or Bradley would be worse but it seems giving Republicans power is just prolonging the inevitable.

I miss my uneducated days. I had far less headaches.
How about a class-action lawsuit for breech of contract? We can start on election day, 2000 and vote the bastards out of office.
The next thing we have to do is dispose of the electoral college.
Then withdrawal from NATO and the U.N.
I know that's just a dream, but wouldn't it be nice? Let's see just how much of that we can get.
Paul B.