Recent mass shootings and Brady ratings-Contest


New member
Seems like "common sense" gun-controls like "gun-free zones" and high Brady rated states like IL and Maryland are the sites of recent mass shootings.

Can anyone name a place and time when a mass shooting occurred in a place where return fire could be a reasonable expectation?

I am not talking about "suicide by cop" where a perp will die rather than accept capture. I am talking about a nutball like the VT shooter arming up and going in harm's way knowing he is likely to take return fire.

You are right Harry, but this is something they don't want you to see. A government that is scared of its people is liberty... a people that are scared of their government...? That is absolute power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Tyranny here we come :barf: What I am trying to say is that these situations in my opinion are being exploited as excuses to take our guns away, when unfortunately, the lack of guns many times has been what I would call a contributing factor.
Can anyone name a place and time when a mass shooting occurred in a place where return fire could be a reasonable expectation?

I remember but cannot find a link to a man walking into a police station in D.C. circa 93-95 over a beef he had. The shooter did not survive according to my recollection. Only case I remember where a shooter willingly engaged in shooting spree against know armed targets.
Colordo shooting

Yah, that could be one, Sarge.

I do recall an armed robbery of a gun store some years ago, three off-duty LEO's, 2 uniformed LEO's and 2 armed guys in the shop...but it was one of the Darwin Awards of that year, not exactly a mass murderer wanting his taste of fame.

Thanks for your help, you all.
About a year or so before the Virginia Tech killings, a mentally ill young man in Fairfax County Virginia tried to shoot up a police station using a semi auto rifle. Two officers were killed, but others returned fire and killed him. I know on the surface this sounds like suicide by cop, but I don't think that was the case. If I remember correctly, his mental capacity was so far gone he though the police were some kind of foreign invader. The point still stands reguarding armed victims.
In the recent mall shootings, the Utah gunman was shot by off duty LEO carrying concealed, the Nebraska gunman was unchallenged as Nebraska has no CCW.
Nebraska CCW

Actually, I believe Nebraska now has CCW . . . but the mall was posted with "no-weapons-allowed" signs . . . :(
X-Hair, thanks for the reminder, bad turn of phrase, and my apologies to all.

Apr1775, point taken. I dunno about the incident, but if the shooter was deranged enough, I don't think it is someone seeking fame/revenge/whatever through mass murder as at VT, with the ability to understand what return fire might do to his plans.

Climber, in both those cases I am pretty sure they were posted "gun-free" zones, and the LEO in SLC could carry as a LEO, not citizen. Open to correction, please advise if I am wrong. Chicago sounds like a robbery gone sour, but it has disappeared from the media at this point so I dunno.
On the news tonight: Talk of sexual overtures and fondling by the gunman. Still on the loose. Corn rows in his hair. Asking hair stylists for help. Maybe an armed hairstylist would bag this dude if there was a bounty on his head!
I wouldn't count the church shooting in Colorado as one. I think the shooter planned on being a wolf among the sheep, not on having to engage in a gunfight. Running into armed resistance was a surprise he wasn't counting on.

Pretty much all mass shootings by deranged loners occur in environments where the shooter has the advantage of being the only armed person in the area. That's been the pattern of every major mass shooting for the past 40-50 years. Mass murderers may be completely irrational in that they want to kill a lot of people but they are almost always rational in how they go about doing so.

I can't think of a single instance where someone committed mass murder with a gun and deliberately chose a group of people he had reason to believe were armed or chose a site where he had reason to believe he would encounter armed resistance.
Hardly any mass murderers make their attempt where they think someone can stop them. The ones that do are so far away from reality that God couldn't find 'em with a telescope and there is just no prediction or prevention that is going to work against someone that crazy, they just have to be shut down as quickly as possible.
HarrySchell, You are correct, Nebraska is now "shall Issue". I travelled from Colorado to Nebraska a week ago to pick up a new puppy and researched how I needed to store my gun while travelling there. It must have been old information because the site stated that there was no CCW in Nebraska.
Luby's massacre was a mass killing that took place on October 16, 1991, in Killeen, Texas, United States when George Jo Hennard drove his pickup truck into a Luby's Cafeteria and shot and killed 23 people, wounded another 20 and then committed suicide by shooting himself. It remained the deadliest shooting rampage in American history until the Virginia Tech Massacre.

Of course if you read the article on Wikpedia, it is even more intresting.
A few years ago a man in Colorado Springs abducted his children from his ex wife's house and took them to an amusement park...afterwards he killed them and drove to the police station and started firing shots into the building...I dont recall if he was killed on sight or if he was taken alive...
It could be because "mass shootings" aren't very massive when the shooter is subdued or shot by armed citizens almost immediately.

I seem to recall a story about a guy opening fire on a small-town mainstreet in Oklahoma (IIRC). He fired all of two shots before receiving a few from an armed citizen.
Exception that proves the rule?

I think we have another case, the man who shot up the town meeting in MO. He had to know armed LEO's were there, having been ejected once before by them in handcuffs. He went in anyway. Not looking for fame, just revenge against those he thought were persecuting him. Similar motivation as the VT killer, IIRC, but more personal and without sending tapes to news media, etc. And tactically clever, maybe, using the right-hand wall of the chamber to cover his back.

I am so sad for all concerned. Prayers to the families and friends. Maybe some can learn postive things from this.