Recent manufacture 1873 Winchester.


New member
I'm looking as closely as possible at pictures on Gunbroker and cannot see any external safety. Neither tang nor crossbolt/bar safety.

Do these, in fact, have no external safety?
Yes, understood. But every other recent manufacture Winchester lever rifle I've seen has some kind of external safety. Either tang mounted or the cross bolt style. I dislike either type on a lever rifle.

But I've been wanting a 1873 and will buy one if there is no such safety.
Surprisingly, no external safety on the current Winchester/Miroku '73s
They did modify the bolt a bit internally.
The Winchester-Miroku 1873s do not have an added manual safety like some of the other repros. They do have some sort of "button" on the firing pin to make it drop safe. It is not obvious to the naked eye and does not affect normal operation. But the CAS competitors are still taking them out.
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Thanks for the responses. There is/was one for sale the next town over. The only issue is that it's 44-40 and there's precious little of that ammo around. And it's a caliber for which I have yet to start reloading.

Thanks again for the posts. I think I'll drive over and check it out.