Received my New 1858


New member
Received my new 1858 toady from Cabelas :D
Received it in only a couple days, $199 shipped.
Everything is almost perfect.
Timing is spot on and barrel seems clocked perfect.
Trigger had a bit of creep and to much positive engagement, worked it over a bit and it is much better.
One thing does bother me is CG is .013, seems excess, what do you guys
think ?
.013 is a tiny bit excessive. The normal is between .006 and .010. When you checked the gap, did you push the cylinder against the recoil shield when at full cock? If not, the gap might be even worse than you measured. If it bothers you now, it will bother you forever. You might want to send it back for a replacement.
Yes cylinder all the way back, actually it has almost zero end shake.
I actually ordered another last night and will send this one back.
Bummer, because everything else is perfect.
So I talked to Cabelas for the return, very nice gal.
No issue to return.
The other one I ordered is already being shipped.
Funny thing though, the first one shipped from Sparks, NV.
This one is coming from the east coast :confused:
So I received my second 1858 from Cabelas today.
Getting very discouraged with Cabelas :rolleyes:
This one was obviously a return.
The guns are always wrapped in a plastic bag with a rubber band around them, this had neither.
No heavy oil preservative, it had been oiled with a light gun oil.
Looks to have been fired ? carbon around nipples but chambers clean.
A few light scratch's on the loading lever.
The biggest give away it is a return is the serial numbers on the box and gun do not match, or it was a display, however it shipped from the warehouse, not a retail store.
On the upside:
The timing is near perfect, the B/C gap is .007 and barrel looks to be clocked straight.
I may keep it since the important stuff is good.
Either way I am writing Cabelas corporate an email.

Also I sent back a Perdesoli flask that was for sure a return as it has corn media in it and the flap was bent.
What say you ?
a shàme! OoI
Ve only d mńe revolver ever
, not the norm.llCabelas are
Piettias no and pretty
Utter lasrn b
you know.. every time I return something for a replacement, I always think, I wonder if they're just going to send me someone else's return... BUT--- I don't think it's that simple in this case.

I bet a lot of remmys get sent back for issues like cylinder gaps, as do colts for other issues, and get checked by Cabella's and/or Pietta. If something is out of spec, it gets sent back for a fix (probably by the manufacturer) and is then certified for re-sale. In essence, you've just received a guaranteed firearm that has been singled out for review by the manufacturer.

Wouldn't you be super pissed if you received a replacement gun that had an even bigger gap, regardless if it came bagged? Maybe it's a good thing that it didn't come in a bag, this way we can determine which items have been re-inspected and which haven't.

I'd hear them out before sending a scathing email.. they might have just wanted to make sure you got a good one, which it looks like you did.
Pretty sure it was not inspected or sent for inspection since it was not properly oiled wrapped or in a box with a serial number that match's the gun.
you're right.. i'd be ticked off too.

Maybe you can coax a store credit out of them if you don't want to chance another swap, or if you don't want to wait for one. Might be able to turn lemons into lemonade and get some gear out of the deal.
Cabela's would not be the only retailer to recycle returns. Most do I think, instead of eating the cost as long as some manager thinks it's functional. Really a display model or return should involve a discount on price, you might ask about that. Maybe they will give you something back. I know if you were in the store, that you could haggle a little on a display price.

Were it I, if the minor scratches, nipples, cylinder gap ect. were not bad, I would go with it. Heck, you might want to upgrade the nipples anyway, and it will get scratched and scuffed from shooting eventually. But I'm more of a function over form guy, so that's just me. Probably wouldn't go so far as to 'defarb' one though.
Well, I just sent it back for a refund. it was really bugging me.
I still have another coming as a replacement for the last one.