Rebarreling 30-06


New member
I have an older sporter made on a Polish Radom action (38). Was made by Flaigs in Pa. not sure when. Have wanted a 6.6x55 for some time but anyone that has one wants an arm and a leg for one. Forget what Blue Book says on value. I was thinking of rebarreling my rifle to 6.5x55.

Is this a good fit for this action? ER Shaw barrels are cheaper than a lot of the high price spreads. Any opinions on quality?
[/QUOTE] Have wanted a 6.6x55 for some time but anyone that has one wants an arm and a leg for one.[/QUOTE]

Are we talking about the Flaigs in Pa or a rile chambered to 6.5mm55. A have Turk Mausers, I have take off 6.5mm55 barrels I plan on installing on the Turks. Two of the barrels have threads for the wood shredder, I did find 3 6.5mm55 cases with wood projectiles JIC.

F. Guffey
Brownells lists Shilen barrels for the 6.5x55 threaded for the 98 (large ring) Mauser, short-chambered.

My catalog is a couple of years old, so contact Brownells for current availability and prices. (Take heart medicine before hearing the price, though.)

You will also need to open the bolt face a bit and some rifles might need work on the feed rails. The work that was done on the rails to convert that rifle to .30-'06 might now be a problem in changing to 6.5.

AFAIK, the only Mauser rifles originally made for 6.5x55 were the Swedish Mausers, which are small ring actions, so takeoff barrels won't fit the Polish rifle.

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I'm a great fan of the 6.5x55 and it was my deer rifle for 25 years. Finn Aagard said it was the ideal deer cartridge !
However a few things have to be defined .The latest proper name is 6.5x55SE.That is a compromise between Norwegian and Swedish military dimensions [ that took many, many years to agree !! :rolleyes:]
When the Ameican companies decided to make it they used US dimensions for the case and chamber .There goes some of the accuracy . [stupid !] They already had the 260 Rem.
For me I'd use the 6.5x55SE chamber and buy European brass and hand load.
I think the 140 is the best weight bullet with a charge of 4350 for very good accuracy.
"When the Ameican companies decided to make it they used US dimensions for the case and chamber."

Can you give some of those dimensions? SAAMI gives its standards in English measurements, but converting dimensions from the CIP standard to the SAAMI standard should not change anything or result in inaccuracy.

I don't know about the 6.5x55, but SAAMI used to be a little screwed up when it came to military dimensions. Note the huge difference in commercial brass and military brass specs and the chamber variations. The 6.5x55 is a military design round, or I always thought so. Maybe not?
ER Shaw barrels are cheaper than a lot of the high price spreads. Any opinions on quality?
Older ER Shaw barrels were hit-and-miss. Some were good. Some were bad. The occasional fluke was fantastic or abysmal.

Recent production is said to be much more consistent. I, however, haven't been able to test that theory for myself, since they won't ship the barrel that's past due for shipment ... three times over. (Backordered with a specific delivery date given. It has been four times as long of a wait, thus far.... and still no barrel.) :rolleyes:
since they won't ship the barrel that's past due for shipment

Maybe my barrel install they have already sent back was part of the reason. If so, I'm sorry for your wait. :o
I haven't gotten anywhere close to being ready to fire the rifle yet. But it looks like they did a good job. Professional opinions on that are coming soon.
I have a rifle built by Harry McGowen on an FN action in 7x57. The barrel is great and the easiest to clean of all my rifles. Are the new McGowen barrels as good as they were when Harry built them?
I have to go with FrankenMauser, up to a point. The barrels a few years back were hit or miss. I got tired of it and just quit on them. It is a little different when it is not your gun you are working on. You can't just keep sending them back. Maybe they got better, I don't know.
There is a reason good barrels are expensive. Not only do the makers take more time, but they check every barrel and discard those that are not up to their standards.

Remember that every barrel on the junk pile is paid for by the people who get the good ones.

I agree. Back when I was dealing with them, they really tried to get you to send them the action. I started to suspect that they just kept putting barrels on until they got one that shot good.
There is a reason good barrels are expensive. Not only do the makers take more time, but they check every barrel and discard those that are not up to their standards.

Remember that every barrel on the junk pile is paid for by the people who get the good ones.
Unless you're a company like one of those named above, that sold all of their factory seconds and out-of-spec barrels to a major retailer that sold them under a brand name with the initials "A&B"....

.30-06 rebarrel

One thing to remember, if the rifle is currently chambered in .30-06 the feed ramps and guides in the receiver are setup for that length cartridge. Changing to the shorter 6.5x55 myay result in feed problems.