Reasonably priced bolt action top end for AR-15?


I've seen some conversions for AR style rifles, but most are stupid expensive.
Anyone seen a well made conversion for a reasonable price?
I've converted to stright pull, spring return before, that's the most simple way to convert.
The issue is, the bolt doesn't always lock up in the same place, and if the bolt drags you may have to use forward assist.

I don't much care if it's turn bolt or stright pull, I'm just not happy with conversion prices which are way too high considering how easy considering the cost of upper recievers.
JeepHammer said:
I don't much care if it's turn bolt or stright pull, I'm just not happy with conversion prices which are way too high considering how easy considering the cost of upper recievers.

I find the Tubb rifle fascinating, but not $7,000 fascinating.

A few years ago, I looked around the internet for an upper and manual bolt that would work with an AR lower and standard barrels. It seems like a simpler bolt and an ordinary upper with a cut-out for the bolt handle leg would be a not too difficult thing to make, and it would have a modest bolt lift angle. If I could have built a turn bolt AR with a Rock River or Larue trigger, and any AR compatible barrel, I'd have given it a try.

The Ruger Precision Rifle is close and not stratospherically expensive, but it also has a lot of proprietary parts.
I've converted to stright pull, spring return before, that's the most simple way to convert.
The issue is, the bolt doesn't always lock up in the same place, and if the bolt drags you may have to use forward assist.

I don't much care if it's turn bolt or stright pull, I'm just not happy with conversion prices which are way too high considering how easy considering the cost of upper recievers.
Just order a barrel without a gas port and build one. Last one I did was $150 for the barrel.
Not really interested in changing a friend/customer's barrel when there is nothing wrong with it, and it's not a 'Cheap' barrel.

The issue is, a friend/customer is moving to California... You know what that means...
He has two hyper accurate AR rifles, fitted bolts/barrels, match barrels that can't be replaced for $130.

Blocking the gas port is no issue, and CA doesn't require the barrel delete the gas port.
The upper receiver can't have a gas tube port, the front sight block can't have a gas port, a ten round mag can't detach.

Sight block isn't an issue, plugged and blind pinned.

Mag isn't an issue, simply used a CA compliant mag release catch that screws down solid on a 10 round mag so the mag isn't detachable.
Shotgun the rifle and load from the top, even put a ring on the rear pin to speed shotgun breakdown.

The upper receiver gas tube hole isn't an issue, tig weld a plug in the hole or find a compliant upper.

He DOESN'T want to use the charging handle, and I don't blame him...
Turn bolt or stright pull, or even a pump as last resort.
I've done stright pull (left side) which isn't difficult since the front of the bolt carrier is thick enough to support a simple bolt for a charging handle, but that's a pain to get the bolt carrier out of the upper for cleaning...

I've seen several right hand bolt adapter handles that attach to carrier, again, must be removed to clean the rifle.

Since the bolt is precisely fitted to the chamber nut/barrel, I'd like to keep them together, don't care if the bolt carrier has to be modified or replaced.
I *Wish* someone made a slot that allowed BCG/side charging handle to extract without tools and kept common AR bolt.
That would require a slot all the way to the back of upper receiver, unless someone has a tricky way to remove external handle without tools!

My second thought is there very well might be restrictions or bans coming, and I'd like to tool up with something viable if it goes that direction.

Don't need flack, just wanted to know what others have seen/used.
It's about options.
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We talked quite a lot about something very similar in the General Rifle forum awhile back. I simply would sell the rifle and buy a decent bolt action. I wouldn't sink a single dime into making a rifle I loved into something I hated just to be compliant with California law. If it's a temporary move like for the military, I'd find somebody to store the rifle for me.

I know a guys got to do what he has to, but moving to CA would be a pretty desperate move for me. I think I'd try to find a way to Telecommute, work from home rather than move to CA. I have a person I work with whose wife does just that, she's an office manager for a construction company. She works from her home in SE Colorado and flies to Bakersfield for a week every other month to the office. She quit her job to move out here with her husband, but her job wanted her back so badly they made a lot of concessions to get her.
My son just bought a side-charging upper for 3-gun.
We all know the ergonmics of the top charging handle (even with aftermarket levers, extensions, etc) suck when used with optics.

But I think you nailed it on the head, and answered the question yourself:

That would require a slot all the way to the back of upper receiver, unless someone has a tricky way to remove external handle without tools!

The side-charging handle on the one mentioned above is held in place with a #10 socket cap screw...cheesy and flimsy, IMO (but of course I couldn't tell my son that!). It removes quickly with just a 5/32" hex wrench. If he ever gets a stuck case...even regular use is likely to stress that screw to the point where it snaps off. A #10 can't take a lot of repeated side loading...then it's e-z out time.

But I cannot see a way to mill a slot all the way through a standard upper receiver without compromising it's integrity. Perhaps one designed from the ground up, much beefier- but that would add significant weight.
My Remington 11-87 had a friction/spring fit bolt handle. I can't remember how the internals worked, but it could be popped in or out easily but I never had trouble with it coming out at the wrong time.
Choate bolt Handle
I think that style is limited to a straight pull. It might also be a good bit of work for a one-off, but if you wanting to 'tool up in case of a ban' it might be feasible.

I think the product is not popular due to there still being issues with cheek weld.