Reasonable price for mac 10

Rant Casey

New member
I was at the range tonight and they had a mac 10 for sale, now normally I would much prefer a "nicer" smg, however at a price tag of 3800 dollars... I don't know if i can pass this up. Would you buy it?
I'd laugh at them. I'm new to the MG game, but I bought a NIB RPB MAC-10 for $3200 in November.

From what I've gathered the asking price is in the $3500-$3800 but the selling price is in the $3000-3200 range.

Check gunbroker and look on forums like UZI-Talk, where folks advertise their toys for sale (although I've seen SMGs in the local paper before).

As you seem to understand the stock MAC-10 is an amusing bullet-hose of fun (although there is a case to be made otherwise). But with the cool Lage MAX-10 uppers you can make yourself a really nice SMG out of a MAC-10 that arguably outclasses the UZI. However with 9mm prices getting really obscene, I'd angle more towards a .22 kit for hours of cheap 22 fun.
I'm new to the whole NFA game, I understand the transfer process with the tax stamp and paperwork, but how does it work with actually purchasing the weapon? Do i pay first then wait to be approved? How does it work while purchasing off a site like gunbroker? Does the seller ship to my class 3 dealer and he holds it until im approved or does the seller hold on to it until im approved and then ships the gun to my class 3?
First thing I'd do is establish a Trust, even if your local CLEO is friendly to NFA toys. This allows you to avoid fingerprints, sign-offs and makes your transfers go quicker (to make an SBS/SBR all you need is Form 1s, Citizenship paperwork & copies of your trust. For a MG transfer it's the same things, with just Form 4s).

If your buying the weapon in state from an individual they can Form 4 (means a regular indivdual owns it) it directly to you (no dealer involved, but dealers will try to tell you otherwise).

If your buying it out of state, you need a Class III dealer. When you find a weapon, first find out if it's on a Form 3 or Form 4.
-If it's on a Form 3 (which means a dealer has it) than it can transfer directly to your local dealer in about 3 weeks (but if you have the serial # you can send in the Form 4s for your part to speed it up).
-If it's on a Form 4 the current owner will have to transfer it to a dealer in his state and someone will have to pay $200 (probably you, but that depends on the individual) to transfer it to the dealer. Once it transfers to their dealer, the dealer can transfer it to your dealer, and than he transfers it to you on a Form 4 (and you pay a $200 tax). So in the end there will be a total of $400 in taxes payed (everytime it moves on or off a Form 4 there is a $200 tax to be payed).

I'd recommend getting one instate so it's simpler and goes ALOT quicker if the gun is on a Form 4 (getting mine out of state took me 4 months)

Typically you'll pay the full balance before the current owner files any paperwork to move the gun in case you flake out. If your buying an MG from a stranger 1/2 way across the country you certainly will want to take precautions against getting ripped off, but most people who have bothered to enter the NFA game are good people.

Once it transfers to your local dealer they will hold it until it is approved and transfered to you, while you constantly obsess and call NFA about it's status and stop by the store to play with it and fantasize some more, you buy accessories for it, order suppressors, etc, etc, etc, etc........:D

The apporved Form 4 will be sent to your dealer, and once it arrives he'll let you know, and you'll fly down the road to get there and pickup your toy. You'll fill out a 4473, but no NCIS check and you'll walk out the door with a MG.

Buying an MG was the best gun-related thing I've ever done and it's not like their going to get any cheaper. GO FOR IT! (your enlarged penis will thank you)
why do you want a mac 10, you and your homies got to do a drive-by?
I don't know, maybe its just because I can't own one as I'm in CA.
But what are you going to do with it?

No, I don't think i'll be doing a drive by with my "homies", I'm what you would call a human, and not ghetto trash gangbanging scum. If I wanted it for a drive by I don't think i'd being going through the ATF to aquire one but rather I'd just buy one on the street. Why a full auto? They're fun to shoot and continue to increase in value, they aren't making any more availible to civilians so get 'em while you can. Why a mac 10? Because I don't have 20 thousand extra dollars sitting around that I can just spend on a machine gun, I'm 26, work full time and am a student so if i spend any more than say, 4000 on a gun, i'm going to feel it badly, both financially, and physically when my girlfriend breaks it on my head.
SHTF you wouldn't happen to be looking at the one in the display case at Manchester Firing Line? If so I had my eye on it too, just can't justify the 4000 bucks right now. The guys over there are good about teaching you whatever you need to know to purchase it and they'll help you out with learning to fire it too. I rent full autos there sometimes.
new pollution1086 said:
why do you want a mac 10, you and your homies got to do a drive-by?
I don't know, maybe its just because I can't own one as I'm in CA.
But what are you going to do with it?

Next time you decide to post something like that, you need to remember to include this little guy (;)) or this one (:p). Unless of course you are serious, and in that case you shouldn't post at all...
But what are you going to do with it?

-Giggle like a school-girl when tearing things up on full-auto
-Make the girls I date even hornier (trust me on this one when it comes to women and MGs.....)
-Hunt pigs (legal with an MG in Texas)
-Make all my friends who like guns hate my guts

And many, many, many more applications............
Attention to Detail, young Grasshopper..........


A Pig is refered to as an Exotic, which is allowed to be hunted at anytime (including nightime spotlighting), with ANY legal firearm (or accessory, including suppressors), provided you have the land owner's permission.

That's why those suppressed 44mag rifles are so popular for hard-core pig hunters.

The regulations you refer to,apply only to "Game Animals" (which would include a Javalia, which is NOT a pig). It is indeed illegal to hunt a "game animal" with an automatic weapon or suppressor (but not an SBR or SBS).

Now before lighting up the night's sky with full-auto fire or spot-lights, the Game-wardens usually appreciate an advance phone call saying "Hey, we're here, doing this until this time, etc, etc, etc...." That way he doesn't get called out late at night in a pissy mood in response to lights or full-auto fire.
Originally Posted by new pollution1086
why do you want a mac 10, you and your homies got to do a drive-by?
I don't know, maybe its just because I can't own one as I'm in CA.
But what are you going to do with it?

I thought left coaster's were laid back, non-racist types unlike the unfortunate situations that still rear their heads south of the Mason Dixon were I am. I frequent many forums and have been banned for less! Ask DCC or P4L! :barf:

I purchased a SA MAC10 in the mid 90's for fun. I still have it boxed and buttered in the safe today. It's an investment, especially an SMG. I've fired the SMG as well. Keep it to bursts unless your loaded for ammo $$$!

Here's a little push..... Articles/012001/Mac10History.htm

What do you mean, racist? the homies comment, it was a joke.
I still really don't see the point, unless hunting, or an investment. hell I couldn't afford to put ammo in it anyways.

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From my Right Coast's perspective the Left Coasters learned long ago that racism was, well, what it is... When I see something like that posted I react to it since you mentioned a stereotypical racist comment that someone here in the South would still use....but not as a joke.

Perhaps since you Left Coasters learned the way so long ago that's why you can throw that stuff out. Doesn't go over well here.

Every weapon I buy is an investment!