Reason #1,000,001 to legally carry

Not anything earth shattering....but I cant help but check the daily news in Philadelphia (a horribly crime polluted city) and wonder how many people wish they were carrying in retrospect. This victim is not only stupid for going after the attacker unarmed but after a failed attempt to subdue the attacker....he EXTREMELY lucky he wasnt shot dead. The attacker was obviously frazzled, ticked off and looked desperate after the victim striked back...

By the way I dont actually live IN the city, I'm right outside of it. Philly is a warzone anymore and I dont feel safe going into it....the daily crime is jaw dropping.
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Scary stuff. That guy is very lucky he was not shot dead. I don't need another reason to carry but thanks for sharing.

I carry my G19 everyday because of crap like this. And the fact that I have been a victim of armed robbery 3 times in my life. Never again!
How bad is the harassment of lawful CCers by LEO's in Philly?
Every story I seem to read about encounters between Philly PD and CCers typically ends with the CCer being proned out; cuffed; questioned, gun often taken. I know typically only two kinds of stories end up on the internet though; situations where things went VERY BAD and someone is ****** and then there is the rare happenstance when someone is very happy with the way a situation went.
Remember that this is "Tactics & Training." If some folks don't quickly start to find some things about training and/or tactics to learn from these news stories, this thread will be closed.
Sorry Frank I understand now, being that the unarmed victim really showed no useful tactics up for review and nearly got himself can close this thread if you need to. There is really nothing to extract from this other than more people should carry if allowed.

Thought the articles would be appropriate
Although I live in the suburbs outside Philly, I end up going into the city about once or twice a month. Having just turned 21, I don't yet own a handgun let alone have CC. However, I usually feel pretty safe making these trips.

I think it all comes down to situational awareness and making sure you don't get caught in a bad place. Much of the crime in Philly (and I'm sure in most other large cities) takes place in the poor neighborhoods and later at night. Don't be in these areas, and if you have to be there, stay alert.

I also keep to the more "public/crowded" areas with more people as you're more likely to get mugged/robbed by yourself since you're an easier target.

Bottom line? If you can carry, then do so, but either way stay alert and stick to "safe" areas.

Just my two cents ;)
Sorry Rifleman gotta disagree...

I also live in the burbs about 20 min outside of center city and I purposely have been paying extra attention to the crime. Its not just north Philly, West and Southwest Philly anymore.

Its all over Kensington, Port Richmond/Fishtown, Northwest including Germantown and even people being attacked in Fairmount Park (Valley Green), Northeast Philly (guy was shot dead in his car in Mayfair this morning also), South Philly including South St, Society Hill (recent muggings), and even a few sprinkled cases in Olde City.....the popular and trendy hangout for night life.

Im 30 now and have visited a ton of places in Center City and Im telling you I dont feel safe there at night anymore. I trust my G26 with my life now in the RARE occasions I go into the city anymore.
We're always going to gonna have differing opinions of what areas within a big city is considered safe and what areas are dangerous. Some of it is due to upbringing, age, sex, street-wise rating...etct...etc. Younger folks tend to <ahem> have more courage and will frequent trendy clubs in questionable parts of town. Also, we're always going to have some who are home bodies and others who will always point to situational awareness as a crutch to stay out of harms way.

The bottom-line is that situational awareness only gets a person only so far. One can avoid the bad parts of town and stick to the tourist areas, however, may one be reminded of the various attacks in well known areas of big cities over the summer along with the countless crime victims who were completely aware yet fell victim to the BG.

When the do-do hits the fan, nothing gives me a warm feeling all over than a firearm with extra ammo.
One tactical improvement would be that when the robber turned his back to exit the store, instead of grabbing him in a choke hold, the victim should have clobbered him at the base of his skull with fist, or better grab a bottle and hit him there or alongside the side/temple. Lesson, when you attack an armed assailant, attack with the most force possible as quickly as possible. What an amazing opportunity to have the perp turn his back so nonchalantly!

Along with that, some training in aggressive defense/atack skills would have helped.

I am wondering what the law is on this situation. If they guy has been robed at gun point, is there any issue about using lethal force when he turns around to leave? If the victim had a knife or gun would he be within legal limits to shoot him since the perp could always turnaround at the door and take a literal parting shot at the victim?
You can't hear what's said, but if he was forcing the victim to another location, he'd probably be justified in using lethal force. If he was fleeing the scene, probably not.

Of course the best time to turn the tales on the gunman is when he doesn't have the gun in his hand. So this is what he did. But the only reason he isn't dead, is because the gunman spared his life.