Rear PPQ sight


New member
So I brought my PPQ to the range a couple days ago and noticed when I was cleaning it that the rear sights wiggle. I checked online and the consensus seems to be that this is normal.

Does anyone have any experience with PPQs with the stock sights? If so, do they hold up over the long-term?

I've kind of considered my handguns my backups so I didn't put much thought into replacing the stock sights.
I have had my PPQ for 8 years and still the factory poly sights and no problem. They will wiggle a little when pressed bit but stay in place fine when shooting and I get great accuracy from my PPQ.
A non-issue. The PPQ and P99 have a detent that holds the rear sight in place.

I used the stock polymer sights on my P99AS for over a decade with no issues before I recently replaced them with night sights to better suit its role as a home defense pistol.
Both of the PPQ 22 pistols I have had, came with a rear sight blade which wiggled around in the sight body. So they did their own sight adjustments with every shot. The results were anything but acceptable groups.

I fixed the first one by selling it.

I fixed the second one by carefully centering the blade and then dripping a bit of Blue LocTite around it. That has held the blade steady in the sight body ever since.

I am not impressed with that rear sight, but have had no complaints about the several 9mm versions I own.

Bart Noir
Thanks for the responses.

It didn't seem to effect it's accuracy at all and I had a great time shooting it.

So for now I won't worry about it. Maybe one of these days I'll replace them with a good set of night sights.
Both of the PPQ 22 pistols I have had, came with a rear sight blade which wiggled around in the sight body. So they did their own sight adjustments with every shot. The results were anything but acceptable groups.

It's worth noting that the PPQ 22 is a completely different pistol design (other than general aesthetics) from the PPQ/P99 defensive pistols, so experience with its sights do not transfer to those pistols.

The PPQ/P99 do not have accuracy issues inherent to the design of their rear sights.