Realtree Glocks!!!

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Does that mean if you drop your Glock in the woods, you won't find it?

How much did it cost?
slide and Frame on both. We stripped one gun completely, we left the frame intact on the other one. Next time we will leave the frame intact, because the Black trigger looks funny. (though some people may like it, who knows...)

As to price, we haven't decided what the cost will be if the project goes any further. Gotta do some more testing and deal making.

If we get things together like I hoping, figure that the price will be competive with other top end finishes, the same or less than an NP3 coat for any given weapon.

I had offered to have some other peoples guns coated for the cost of the shipping, but no one took me up on it when it came time to ship the guns. They were going to be part of the testing project, unfortunately, that window closed before this forum was up and operating...
Err... aint Glocks made of Polymer not wood ?...grin
Looks like the cost on the coating is going to run between $175-200. that'll be long guns too, get your turkey shotguns and muzzle loaders ready....
Put ghost rings on the "Field " RT Glock today, anyone used these for hunting yet? This is my first pistol with Ghost rings, shoul dbe fun.. but I wish I had had them put on before the coating...
Wanted to let those of you who expressd an interest in this coating know that we will be doing our first "commercial" batch next week. Hopefully I'll have some more pictures. One guy is even getting a FAL Congo "dipped"...should be cool!


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