Really Close Quarters Combat

Chan Bates

Never having experienced CQC, I was impressed reading in Combat Handguns magazine this month some advice to think and practice shooting (or knifing) at ranges far closer than most of us normally do.

Using the weak hand to parry a weapon or keep an attacker at arms length, instead of automatically going for a two handed grip on the gun, shooting from awkward positions, shooting very fast but still accurately, etc. Got me to thinking. What would be good practice, as recommended by those who have really experienced what works at close range.

So how 'bout it? From those who experienced real CQC with a handgun, what surprised you? What worked? How do you practice and think based on your real experiences?


I thought "Chan Bates" sounded familiar! Welcome to TFL! You're a KTOG'er, right? Good to have you.
All of our academy training and refresher courses stress keeping the non-dominant hand up in somewhat of a boxer type stance, whether you are about to draw down on someone or are just talking. Keeping that weak hand up can distract a BG while you perform a task, like unholstering, it can block a surprise attack, it serves many functions. Thinking about it now we must look like a bunch of Napoleans out there all with one arm up across out chests, but it is effective. I mean why have the left hand just waiting to do something when it could be put on defense?

No CQC experience to speak of.

But I think that we have met. Were you at the Utah 3 gun match at the FARM on the March 30th?

-Larry Correia
One mistake that I see a lot of people make is to carry their knife on the same side as their gun. I really like to practice two different drills. I like my handgun on the strong side and my knife on the weak side.

That also means though that you have a responsability to practice using your knife with your weak hand.
Hi Chan
Never been in a gunfight so this is speculation on my part and what I've read. First a gunfight usually happens very fast with little time to think, and usually up close. Given that fact I think it's important to practice some form of a speed rock and point shooting, (no need to worry about sights up close).

The danger in this practice especially using the weak hand to parry, other than getting shot by your attacker is shooting yourself in the arm or hand. I think it pays to do a lot of dry firing first at home making sure your weak hand is always out of the way. When you start with live ammo I would start slow so there won't be any mistakes. Once you have this basic technique down you may want to try adding lateral movement when performing the parry and draw.

I haven't seen you in a while, are you going to be at the FARM on May 11 for the State IDPA Championship?