Really Bad Day

Rob Pincus

New member
Woke up this morning to find that a hose had busted in the wash room and it was flooded. Worst part of that is the flood got under a wall into a bathroom in which the door to the gun room is located.

You guessed, Flooded Gun Room. No major damage, but I've got the dehumidifier cranked up to max (I've already had to empty once today) and I have two portable heaters helping out. Seems like the "worthless" holster box got a little wet.. no big loss. A hi-cap Para mag that had fallen behind a milk crate was in 1/4 inch of water. The hair dryer was immediately put to work on that one.
A Winchester 1300 Defender was leaning up against a wall, so the muzzle was in the water. A littel rust might give that particular gun a little extra charater.

Ohter than that it was mostly brass that I'll never get around to reloading and some assorted junk that got wet. Could've been worse, It could've been an upstairs leak that rained all over the entire collection. ;)
Rob; Im going to claim this happened to a local preacher so you know its true.

The dryer caught on fire in his laundry room and would have burned the entire house except that the first thing that burned was the water hose.

I will take your damp holsters.

Better days to be,

What is it with you guys who want wet holsters?

I've been trying to trade out a perfectly good rifle for 5 months, now I get people clamoring for wet holsters! sheesh.

Just saw an article about this, it happens about 13,000 times a year! Guess this is more common than a LE shot through! ;) If you are on vacation when it does it gets worse!

Hope every thing drys out OK!

Ni ellegimit carborundum esse!

Yours In Marksmanship

I had a similar experience with my washing machine. It seems the drain hose on the back came loose, and the washer was emptying itself all over the floor of the basement. Fortunately I did not have any really cool gun stuff down there, just abunch of black nylon tactical stuff! But a little bit of mildew never hurt a truly many man lumbering through the bush . . .

Excuse me, I digress. Anyhow, until Michael pointed out the vacation scenario, I never considered it. That would truly blow.

Everything os about dried up now even the carpet. It would really have been incredibly horrible if I had been out of town. Or even out for the day. Kinda makes me want to re-think the storage situation.

no major damage, but I guess I never will get a chance to read those manuals that had been stacking up and I'll never be able to sell that taurus or colt as NIB, have to used-in-a-baggie...

awwww- who I am kidding? I'd never sell another gun and god knows I'd never read the manuals!

Sorry to hear about the Flood.

My safe is on caster wheels and is over 3" off the floor. Further, there's a drain hole nearby which most of the water can flow to. Just lucky when I bought the house.
Hey Rob, I'll take the wet manuals!!!
If you'll pay for the postage :D ;)

Just kidding with you.
Glad to hear that it's under control.

Justice for one,Justice for all.
hey Rob, you may want to start thinking about a false floor, or something like that...
Glad you shared though...I will be making a "storage" room soon and this is a good thing I probly wouldnt have thought about :)



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