"Reality" of gun buybacks


Staff Alumnus
<a href="http://www.latimes.com/HOME/NEWS/STATE/UPDATES/lat_guns990813.htm">LA Times article</a>

Some real gems in this one. To wit:

"They're not going to take guns away from hardened criminals," Tolley said, citing the alleged gunman at the Jewish Community
Center, Buford Oneal Furrow. But he said the buybacks can help educate people, and remove guns from some homes, preventing an argument from turning deadly.


But in other countries, gun buybacks have been extremely effective, said Rebecca Peters, a visiting fellow at the Center on Crime, Communities and Culture in New York, a criminal justice think tank. Where they have worked well, the buybacks have been anonymous and accompanied changes in the law that ban the types of weapons to be bought.

In 1996, Australia began a yearlong, nationwide buyback of semiautomatic weapons after a shooting rampage in Tasmania that left 35 people dead. The government banned such weapons for general use, and more than 640,000 guns--about one-sixth of the guns in the nation--were retrieved, Peters said.

In 1997, the British government banned handguns after an elementary school shooting in Scotland that left 16 children dead. A
subsequent gun buyback netted 180,000 guns, Peters said.

Both of those buybacks allowed the gun owners to remain anonymous, she said. "The emphasis was on getting the guns out of circulation, on prevention," she said. "Here there is an emphasis on prosecution."

Right as I'm eating lunch, too. Gag, retch, spew.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
I am trying to conduct buy-backs of my own...but the $$ are lacking. Wonder if I can get tax manoey paid by you, folks, or even by HCI mofos in order to buy back more guns. I would prefer to get the worst of them off the streets...MG42, Thompsons, Galils. Please help...

As an aside...I must be a real gun-nut now. I am re-reading "Uninteded Consequences" for tech details :)
The interesting thing about gun buybacks in this country is that most of them are flat illegal. They either involve surrender without concern as to the legality of ownership, which is illegal on the part of the police, or the surrender to some private persons who are prohibited from possessing the weapons.

I will be willing to stand corrected by an attorney, but I believe it is a principle of law that surrendering contraband to the police does not relieve one of the legal liability associated with possessing the contraband in the first place. Nor can any police officer or police official waive that liability.

District attorneys waive liability daily through plea bargain aggreements.

When the police set up a sting operation in the guise of a fence/receiver of stolen goods, neighborhood crime goes up.

I have heard suggestions that when there is a scheduled gun buyback, to watch very closely in the week immediately preceeding the buyback for any murders or shootings or armed robberies (robberys?), then watch for the weapon used to show up in the turn-in bin.

It's sad that the only ones who see a problem with gun buybacks are law abiding gun owners. Everyone else seems to be so focused on the guns that they are blind to crime and criminals and prosecution.

Can a Civilian "Sponser" his own gun "BuyBack" Program?

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

Depends on your state of residence if in the USA. Just be careful of receiving stolen property, and document your purchases as to time and date in case they were used in a crime.

I realize you might have been being sarcastic, but a newspaper ad is fairly cheap advertising if it generates a good return.

"Wanted, firearms. Criminals need not reply."
I shouldn't admit this -- but that Rebecca Peters is an Australian :(

Tell her to stick her opinions where the sun don't shine!!!

And doesn't she sound, oh, so reasonable? Bullsh*t!!

She deliberately blurs the distinction between the firearms amnesty that ran concurrently with the mandatory buyback of "prohibited weapons". There was nothing even faintly "anonymous" about the buyback .......

Your property was taken off you by force of law ... and in some places they crushed your guns in front of your eyes. Anonymous? Yeah, right.
I think I will put an ad in the paper - Not for Profit Organization sponsoring a GUN BUY BACK PROGRAM... Yada yada yada...

It's not about the money... it's about the guns... ;)

Throw in a bone for compatible ammo too...

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

Ive been a little busy or id ive chimed in earlier,,,,a local gun store owner changed the sign on the front of his business here in nashville when the anti's had a gun turn in amnesty drop off,,,,,lol, they got a box full, people just came in off the street and donated there guns to his shop---he never made claims of being part of the anti's campaign, he just put a sign up saying,,,,turn in guns here....lol...., he's an older radical that i admire greatly and hes had his run in with the govt agencys and survived......fubsy.
Don't listen to Cornered Rat or Kodiac. I, and only I, am the governmentally-sanctioned designated purchaser. However, the gov't will only allow me to me to pay $5.00 per gun - low I know, but hey, it's for the children, so isn't it worth it? So, list all of your weapons here and I'll post the buyback address. You will receive your Treasury check in 8-12 weeks.

Fusby, give that gun store owner a high-five for me. He's my kind of guy. LOL, TAR!

Makes me wonder how many of those guns turned in during the voluntary amnesty turn-ins are from wives and mothers who listened to Rosie and her ilk and took the guns without telling the guy first. You gotta know that led to some serious domestic fights and divorces. I would severely trounce even my own mother if she took my guns and gave them to the government or anyone else for that matter.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited August 17, 1999).]
I caught a clip of the buyback in DC on the news recently. The one where they were paying $100 per gun, no questions asked.
The camera zoomed in and focused on an Intratec Sport 22, a mean looking little gun which is a total POS, a fact that I can personally testify to, as I own one. I wish somebody would offer me $100 for mine.
Then the camera quickly panned over the tables that displayed many of the other firearms surrendered. What a collection of junk! Most of what I saw looked like it was being held together by rust.
I wonder how many of those $100 bills were used to invest in a weapons upgrade?
Well, the ultimate in cynicism, eh? First, pass a law to ban a firearm, and go heavy on the prosecution. Then, have a buyback program, and tout how effective it is. 'Where they have worked well, the buybacks have been anonymous and accompanied changes in the law that ban the types of weapons to be bought.'

Now that is marketing genius, eh? I'll bet these same folks would be similarly impressed with the low vacancy rates if they opened prison camps and brought people in by the trainload. I'm sure history was a very boring and unimportant subject for any of these bozo's.