realistically worth any more than scrap ???

putting together stuff for the one local gun show I sell at a year, I knew I had a box stashed behind the water heater in the basement ( sounds worse than it really is ) I knew the box had at least 2 rifle stocks in it, & every year I sell more stuff, & need to come up with new things to fill my tables...

... well also in that box, was 5-6 "repaired" shotgun stocks ( I figure maybe someone will either need one for an old shotgun, or someone will buy them all, to make cribbage boards, or ??? there are a couple interesting butt plates

now the "surprise"... I don't remember putting it in there, but the box had been there more than 10 years... I found I also have an old rusty damaskus barreled side by side muzzle loader ( I assume ) shotgun, barrel only... it's definitely not shootable... it is percussion, as it has one nipple... when wiping it down with oil, & trying to decide if I should throw it in the scrap barrel, I noticed it has a silver inlay ( kinda flur du les ) style at the breach, between the nipples...the front ram rod loop, is pretty rusty, & it does have an original sling swivel... so I think I'll put it on the table, for cheap...

so... are you the kinda guy that would buy that for $10 - $20, or do you think I'll be bringing it home & tossing it in the scrap bin ???

BTW... I have not put a bore light into either barrel, but assume it's a 20 - 28 gauge shotgun ( I've never seen a damaskus rifled barrel... I wouldn't know if that was possible... I assume not ??? )

also found a steel butt plate still screwed to a piece of stock, labeled original 93 mauser butt plate & screws... I don't know anyone that needs one... but will probably throw that on the table for a buck ???
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got you back...

BTW... also still has a nubbin of front bead sight left too ;)

& interestingly, the one nipple still had a cap on it... so who knows... that chamber may still be loaded... might have to run a rod down, & check for loaded chambers... & just to clarify, it's the barrels only, no action

I know nothing about muzzle loader shotguns... assume a powder charge, some sort of wad, the shot charge, then another wad to hold the loose shot in place ???
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LOL . . :)

I used to do one gun show a year as well . . sort of a "cleaning out"event as much as a "social thing".

One thing that I have found is that "one man's junk is another man's treasure". I have had numerous barrels over the years - ML shotgun and rifle - civilian and military that I didn't have the time nor the energy to mess with. I had little in them so put them out on the table and usually had good luck selling them. (Always check to make sure they don't have a charge in them though).

As far as the "junker gunstocks" - hey, they'll move too. I usually had a pile of them and most were gone by the time I left the show. I had one laying around a while back that I mailed to a member here who needed to patch a 45/70 stock. It was walnut and I figured it might be a fairly good "match" to the age of his wood - so somebody got some use out of it.

A person can accumulate a lot of stuff - I've pretty much cleaned all of mine out - most of it I had very little in. I look at it this way, if I get a little out of it, someone can use it and get it at a cheap price - it's a "win win" all the way around. What I got out of "parts and pieces" usually went/goes for powder and reloading supplies now.

A person can "wonder" if anyone would be interested in something - the only way to find out is to put it out there and see - usually the stuff I thought would never sell was the stuff that left the table first.

Good luck with the show! :)
BILLY... that's me exactly... after MRS's dad died, we were overwhelmed with duplicate loading things, & hunting stuff... after a couple years, I started mixing in buddies stuff with mine, & a couple years ago, MRS started putting a hunting / wildlife quilt on one of the tables to sell ( I've always gotten 2 tables )

anyway, here are a couple pics of the barrel...





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