Real Life Self Defense Situation!


New member
This happened to a buddy of mine while going camping 2 weeks ago.

I should preface this with some information about my friend. He is a Marine Sniper and Evasion Tactics instructor. He served 3 tours in Vietnam as a Sniper and a Scout, has numerous purple hearts and more confirmed kills than I want to imagine.

He and his wife went for a walk in the woods, when they returned he heard a noise coming from his camper. He remembered that he locked the camper before they left, so it was either a very large, strong animal, or someone had broken in. Since in Ohio we have not yet been graced with a CCW law, the only thing that he had on him at the time was his cell phone and his Ka-Bar.
He gave his wife the cell phone and told her to call the police, he snuck into the camper and held the burgler at bay with his Ka-Bar. He told the guy that he had 2 choices cooperate and be arrested, or resist and have the beginnings of a Columbian Necktie. Thankfully, the guy decided to take his chances with the police and waited for the paddy wagon to arrive.

It just goes to show what one dedicated Marine and his Ka-Bar can do! And it's better to have something than nothing!
Although he did have some good training, I would say he was pretty lucky. If he wasn't in immediate danger and the police were already being summoned, why enter the camper? A quick burglar with a pistol could have done him in. I am just glad this story had the right outcome.
Trust me, this guy is no lunatic, he's just that damn good, even at his age now. You don't survive 3 tours in the bush just by being lucky.
He thought that it was better to be in control of the situation then to let the guy roam free and possibly victimize someone else or them again.
Hmmm... Close the camper door, tie it shut, hitch to car, tow to police station, over a rough road...