Real Handgun?


New member
Some time ago I went to a local gun shop looking for a particular gun, I don't recall what it was but the owner was making a real push for me to buy a Glock, Seems to him the sun rises and sets on those guns. Now I understand that they are very accurate and dependable and literaly undestructable for a composite built gun, But it looks like a toy, It don't look real,it don't feel like a gun. As someone else posted Am I missing something here. When I buy a new gun it has to look like one, feel like one. You know got to be well real. I know there are a lot of different makes like this out there and this is not intended to offend anyone, But am I the only one that will be left behind in the old millenium ? Your thoughts?

gun control is people control
Glocks have proven to be fine weapons but like anything else, they are subject to personal opinion.

Before I bought a few of my handguns I looked at Glock, SIG and H&K. All very fine weapons. I chose the H&K's because they had good ergonomics when in my hand, had the features I was looking for - and - they look cool. I can't say anything "bad" about the Glocks or SIG's (well I do think the Glocks are butt ugly...). I just chose the H&K for my own personal reasons and have NEVER regretted it for a second.

So, if you don't get a Glock, no, you won't be "left behind" at all. Whatever you do DO NOT buy a gun until you have fired it first.

If you buy a gun simply for its looks, we could probably argue all day which guns "look" the best.(in the eye of the beholder) If you buy a gun for how well it shoots, we could probably rely alot on facts or statistics. I continue to hear people complain about the "plastic" gun. I have yet to hear why having a polymer frame is worse than a metal frame. it seems as though all the major semi-auto manufacturers are making them. If someone can give a good argument why plastic is bad, let me know.

I personnaly have guns that I believe perform well, and I like the way they look. Glock and Sig.
(and if Sig is making a polymer frame, it must be a good idea)
Glocks are pieces of plastic crap that blow up on you after two shots because of their unsupported barrels.
They are dangerous and you are better off using a rock than a Glock!
There, I hope by continuing to spread these stories the price of Glocks will drop to that of Lorchins, and then I can buy more of them to, er-just look at.
I don't think you will be left behind, and if you are, you surely won't be alone. I will be there too. It seems that SOME gun folks are as opinionated as your every day religious finatics. Buy what I buy or your an idiot. My (fill in the blank)gun is the only REAL gun. If you don't have one of these, you got trash. If you ask a question about any other gun, their standard answer is "get a (fill in the blank)". I buy what ever looks good, feels good, and shoots good for me. Lately, I've been using the Ruger P series for the plate games. I pull the trigger, the gun goes boom, the plate falls down. I like the way they look, and the way they shoot for me. Every one elses mileage may vary. Your not alone.

Good shootin to ya
I have never puchased a gun on looks alone, Always have to handle to make sure it feels good, check its operation. I have never been privy to the option of trying it first, Unless I know someone that has one.Have to go by what I read and hear, Just like with you guys. I was looking at a Kel Tec the other week I believe in .40 cal. When I pulled the slide back I noticed that the following rod was composite/plastic. When the slide was pulled back the rod bent upwards. I had to think how long will this last. I know we are not talking a $600. piece here but? Well this is why they make vanilla and they make chocolate, Everyone has their flavor

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited December 01, 1999).]
FWIW, as far as Glocks and their nontraditional feel and appearance are concerned, I firmly resisted buying a Glock or even shooting one for about ten years after they were first produced.

I think what finally convinced me that Glocks are as real as any other gun was concealed carry, for which they are very well suited, at least in my view. After finally shooting one I was hooked. My preference for blued steel and walnut yielded just a little to the practicality of the matter. But I haven't given up on guns along traditional lines. In fact, the last gun I bought was a big, blue, all-steel S&W Model 29, proving that the world of guns is still a welcoming place for traditionalists, non-traditionlists, and everyone in between. :)
I followed the KelTec 40s for a while and as weak as that plastic rod looked, I never heard of one breaking. If a steel one would make you feel better, I believe the factory offers one but truely believes it is unnecessary.

Buy, Sell and Trade guns in WV!
I love my Gold Cup and CZ 75. I'm falling in love with HK 45. I hate the looks of Beretta, to me its ugly because of the open slide. I don't care if its steel or plastic. What Im saying is it's a personal thing. If it looks good to you, feels nice, and shoots right and you can afford it, buy and enjoy it.

I know where you're coming from on this because I used to feel the same way. For a long time I felt that if it wasn't steel, it wasn't real.

But somewhere along the line I was introduced to the reliability, simplicity and durability that is Glock. While they take some getting used, they can be very addictive when you get a few in your collection.

While I still have a small preference for my 1911, I have a hard time putting down the Glock. It simply grows on you!
Glocks are guns you have to shoot to appreciate. Even then they are not that great to look at, but they are GREAT tools. And if it gets scratched or dinged, it doesn't bother you like it would a nicely blued gun or shiny plated one. My biggest caveat with the Glocks is the trigger takes getting used to compared to traditional DA or SA operation, and the fact that it's not a good idea to shoot lead bullets in it.....
Just as a data point.
When I took Defensive Handguns II
from SDSI in Dallas - the entire class
(about 13) had Glocks.

When I did LFI-1 - a class of 48 or so,
about 60 percent had Glocks.

Says something about the marketplace
and I don't think all these folks
are being fooled.

Great guns
The guide rods on the glocks are plastic too. So it probably is not neccasary. I like glocks for their reliability but as far as looks and feel go. I cant stand them. Ive tried to get into them like alot of others and i just cant. I dont see how they are as great as people claim them to be. Sure they are reliable. But so are the sigs,hk's,berettas and others. You are not the only one that dont favor the glocks. As for that salesman. Any salesman that tries to force anything on you is a red flag to run and go somewhere where they actually give info and honest opinions rather than forceful sales tactics. Ive went to a shop once and told the guy i was looking for a nice double/single action pistol in stainless .40 cal.

A 1/2 hour later and he's still trying to sell me a kimber. Why? probably because he makes more money and had them in stock. He was in no way interested in my needs. Stay away from that shop who tried to force a glock on you.

P.S i am not anti-polymer. I own a sigpro 2340 and love it. it shoots better than any glock ive shot and looks like the equalivlant of a lamborghini diablo.

JMO :)

TIM : )

Glocks *are* "real handguns" as are any handguns that work as advertised.

I currently own two Glocks (17 and 26) and am anxious to find a 30 to add. They are also my favorite guns to shoot and I trust my life to the 17 that I've owned for many years.

That said, they are ugly, as are all the poly framed guns to my eye. Traditional handguns (see my post in the Beautiful Guns thread) are far more appealing to me. A Colt Python, Browning HP, 1911 (not the tricked out ones), S&W Model 19.

I find Sigs, HKs, Glocks, and all the lookalikes butt ugly but they are all quite capable. That said, you should buy what you like and not what a salesman says.

I much prefer looking at some of my other guns but I'll count on a Glock if I need to defend my life.
Any gun that shoots bullets is a gun "nuff said.

I have shot a few glocks and was not impressed, what impresses me are their reliability, say what you like about polymor frames they are here to stay. With that said let me tell you I will never own a glock until they do something about their safeties. I am as careful if not more so as the next guy and can handle a glock but prefer not to.

Why do they call accidents, accidents?? because they weren't supposed to happen but they did. Any gun can accidently go off. I personal believe that glocks tip the scales the other way.

I think the problem here is that when you say "gun" you conjure the image of a big heavy instrument of destrution. blame the movies if you must. you want a *real* gun get a .50 dessert eagle or a 6" 357.

What ever you shoot with is a gun. what ever you prefer to shoot with is your gun. Whatever someone else shoots with is their gun. Use your own gun and you'll alwasy shoot happy
Greetings Loknload; I would like to take
this opportunity to "Stand Up For Sig's".
I currently own four of these fine firearms
and have never, ever experienced a problem
with any of them. Since their introduction
into the US, back in 1975 (as the Browning
BDA); their design has caught on like a
wild fire !!! These guns are thoroughly
tested, and incorporate the design and
technology of the Swiss, and the manufacture
and workmanship of the German's. Switerland's
laws prohibit the export of combat firearms;
so therefore they are produced in Germany.
In a Sig firearm, you will find that they
are extremely accurate, very dependable,
highly reliable (even in sub zero weather
conditions), are a beauty to behold and
extremely costly. I have bet my life on
the Sig P220A in .45ACP since 1988; and
have never looked back !!! Don't get me
wrong, the H&K's and Glock's are great
firearms as well; but my all time personal
preference will always be a SIG !!!

*Footnote- some parts of some Sig firearms
are produced in the Exeter, New Hampshire

Message edited by Dan H. Ford on 12-02-99

Ala Dan