Reagan was right...Star Wars is back!


Moderator Emeritus

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>U.S. awards $550 mln for space laser research

Updated 7:26 PM ET August 16, 1999

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Air Force said Monday
it had awarded a pair of $275 million contracts to
teams headed by TRW Inc. and Spectrum Astro Inc.
for research on planned space-based laser systems to
track enemy missiles in flight.

The effort is part of the Pentagon's expensive program
to develop a defense against attacking warheads. The
Air Force plans to spend $11.8 billion on the infrared
laser and a low-orbit system of satellites over the next
15 to 20 years......(more)[/quote]

Hmmmm....I seem to recall the Democrats scoffed and vilified this idea as impractical and a waste of money (read no vote bribery).
Even this moment, Reagan would be a better President than you, Billy Boy

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Wasn't the idea of SDI to make the Soviets dump enormous amounts of money they didn't have into their own SDI program, hastening the financial collapse of the USSR?

So, who are we trying to bankrupt now?

Bankrupting was secondary..the point, valid then and valid now (China and N.Korea) was to have a means of defense.

Just like Carter dismantled the did we have to pay current dollar rates to get back where we never should have left.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
This is needed... ICBMs are still out there... and they could find there way into the hands of the likes of Kadaffy and Sodom Husinsaney...
Then when you look at China and North Korea - WOW... Why dont we have these things already?!?!

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

Without going into details I am familiar with the program in question. Yes, it is similar to SDI but with better technology. And SDI was doable at the time Ronald Reagan proposed it in spite of what the Democrats said. The threats are there but rest assured that there are many good folks working to insure the success of such a system. The problem, of course, is time. Had SDI gone forward we would have been ahead of the game. Now it's catch up. Especially since the Chinese have our nuclear secrets (I'm so dumbfounded at this, the grossest most severe breach of security since Julius and Ethel Rosenberg gave Stalin the bomb)!

Safe shooting - PKAY
the projects have been funded for awhile...

if the black budget can build a whole office building near Dulles with no oversite, then i think we are in good hands for high tech defence...

The National Missile Defense system will, upon being alerted of an imminent attack against the United States,
launch an appropriate number of Ground-Based Interceptors with Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) weapons.
In space, the EKVs will separate from their boosters, immediately detect attacking missiles, distinguish real targets
from decoys, and destroy them by hit-to-kill intercepts. The compact, lightweight vehicles feature advanced
infrared sensors; guidance, navigation and control; divert and altitude-control propulsion; and on-board signal

Raytheon Systems Company is developing the
Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle -- or EKV -- a key
element in the National Missile Defense (NMD)
system. The EKV is designed to discriminate among
target objects in space and destroy high- speed ballistic
missile warheads by force of impact.
PKAY hit thr nail on the head. The problem is time and I personally think time has run out on this nation. Klinton and his NWO handlers have been so preoccupied in getting us set up for the NWO system that they have either sold off everything to China or have cut our defenses to nothing. George Washingtons Vision of a future America under attack from abroad is looking good(Ireally mean bad) Of coarse, the attack will have to be made fairly soon before this nation has a real defense against missle attacks. I wouldnt put much hope on this country setting up a viable defensive system any time soon. And besides, the best defense is a good offense. Offense will always defeat defense. Military history proves this. The Serb military was hardly touched by the bombing of Nato and only gave in Because of the terror bombing of their civilians and because the Russian leaders were bought off again by western Banksters. The best offense by Nato was really pathetic showing how really weak the Us is militarily. Nato aircraft stayed up high and refused to come down low where the Serbs would have chopped them up with anti aircraft missiles of varous types. THe whole episode was pure evil,but the point I am making is that the Us military is only a shell of what it once was and Big comrade has done the job very well in destroying our military. But a price will be paid soon . A big noose is slowly but surely being drawn around the throat of this nation. Military people I have talked to agree with me on our near demise as a military power.