Ready for opening day of gun season here in NY


New member
Saturday is opening day of deer season for rifles.

I'm ready.

Supposed to be rainy and windy all day. What's new?

I hunt on my own property.

Instead of going down into the ravine where it is 10 - 15 degrees colder and sitting in every kind of precipitation there is with no wind break or shelter I intend to hunt from my barn loft.

The vantage is good and my shooting lanes extend out to 350 yards in some directions.

By afternoon the deer are panicked and looking for a safe haven. They gather in my horse pastures. Maybe I will get lucky and see a good buck.

At least I will stay dry.

I will have my chair, stacked hay bales for a shooting rest, radio head phones, a wind block and snacks. I will even have my phone to communicate with my scout (aka wife). She can tell me if there is any action in the front of the property.

Nothing like roughing it.
Rain and wind held off for a little while. Spent the morning hunt in the woods. Saw 3 small does sneaking through the forest.

No action at all this afternoon. Conditions were such that deer were likely hunkered down. Tomorrow is supposed to be high wind and rain. Will go out again Monday.
I had a nice 8 point buck and a doe sitting in my 1 acre residential lawn today. Just chilling. I think they were mocking the hunters and taking safe harbor.
Good luck and safe hunting.
Sounds like a hunter's paradise. If you ever need a buddy to keep you company, let me know. I'm about 20 mins from Oswego and happy to help!!
Beautiful day today, sunny but by late afternoon the winds are supposed to be 20+ mph. I don't know where the deer are but I can tell you where they aren't. Didn't see anything but pudgy grey squirrels.
Barn lofts make a dandy deer stand~~But on occasion may be higher off the ground than allowed under Law. MN restricts all man made Hunting Perches or structures be no higher off the ground than 16 ft. Although.
I have done the same myself on more than one occasion in my finding long ago abandoned farms way-way back in the woods. Farmers having no extended family and son/s likely casualty's of World II and Korea I'm supposing. I even brought up my 270 on one of those occasions so to harvest a distant huge Buck observed in a overgrown pasture from a loft near twilight. But?_passed on the shot. Just to far away for my shooting capabilities and light fading away too quickly. Went back the next afternoon (long long walk) and Posted in that same hay loft. I stayed till dark. Never seen a thing and walked my way out of the woods that evening with a flashlight in one hand and a glow in the dark lensatic compass in the other.
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