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Read Thread Indicators

Jim V

New member
Rich and all, When I read a thread and go to another, the read thread does not change it's indicator to show that I've been therre. When I change forums, those indicators do not change either. I went from Legal to General and nothing changed as to color to indicate where I've been. Maybe it is my machine, I don't know.

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The "read thread" and "read forum" links now show as a burgundy or brown color to me.

It could be your machine, but is more likely your browser. What platform and what browser are you using? Is it a current version or an older one?
I am experiencing the same thing as Jim V. I am running XP Pro w/IE 6.0.26. IE history cleared, no cookies blocked. Still no indication as having been read.
I'm running the latest issue of IE. 57k modem, it worked fine before the hack, and after teh ahck with the different fonts. I cleared my cookies for TFL and it still does not threads read/forums visited. (I clear my cokies files everytine I log off, BTW.)
On my computer, DO NOT USE THE BROWSER'S BACK BUTTON IE6.026etc. All threads will be marked as having been read!
On the up side it happened pretty dadgum fast!:)
Rich - I have been waiting to see if this problem clears up, but it hasn't. Like Jim, I haven't seen the forums/threads change to their "recently read" color since the hangup or most likely the vB upgrade. It is not a cookie problem, at least not for me. I have deleted all cookies even remotely associated with TFL. I used the search and destroy method (found 5 TFL cookies!) and also some handpicked ones from the cookie directory on a just-in-case basis. Still no joy.

IE 5.5.4522.1800IS 128bit
One more clue - as an experiment I went to Tools/Internet Options/Gen/Accessibility and checked on the "Ignore colors specified on Web pages" item. All forums/threads then took on the default "read thread" color. Forums that I have not accessed recently remained blue. Of course my desktop colors and most all colors on TFL were changed to the defaults, which is plain ugly, so I turned that attribute back off and all forums are back to all blue again. This tells me that the info is there but that the TFL pages are overriding it, or more probably the read thread and the not-read thread colors are the same. Other websites work properly, e.g. Glock Talk which appears to be at vB 2.2.4 also.
Viewing the page source, I can't see anything wrong with the settings for the active, hover and visited colors. But I wonder why it is necessary to set them on the page? The RGB values are the same as the IE defaults anyway. Perhaps it's required for Netscape?
I have deleted every cookie that even looked like it might have something to do with TFL but I still have the same problems. If it were a cookie problem, why would this forum have its read thread indicators work and not the rest of the forums?

The 1911 Forum is using the same software and those indicators work. Like I said before, they worked when we had the other fonts after coming back.
Sorry guys, my constant battle with MSN has made it hard for me to get anything done.

The good news is that I can re-create the problem now, so I should be able to fix it.