Read this!! You'll love it

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Yeah, there have been rumors of this for at least twenty years. But how to bell the cat?
How to get the evidence in court?
file in state court to certify the states' action in regard to ratification, then follow up in federal court with same , then petition court to set aside tax act as unconstitutional, for a start?
Little known fact: the IRS office in Colorado Springs was torched twice in three years. No one was ever arrested or accused in either case.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
First of all, before you decide to make yourself a test case, be sure to research the SCHOLARLY WORK on the subject, not just journalistic investigations, to see if the issue has already been settled by the Supremes. Then, if you think there is a good argument and want to be the test case, you MUST get "standing" to bring up the subject to force the courts to hear the matter. To get standing, you must actually be injured by the illegality. Hmmm, actually, there's a possibility that EVERY taxpayer would have standing without actually getting charged with some crime or civil penalty. Every one who pays income tax is "injured" by the income tax amendment.

That would be cool - if every taxpayer in America flooded the court system with petitions challenging the income tax - all on the same day - April 15, 2000. That would be a great way to start out the new millenium if you ask me (abolishing the fed income tax). That would return power to the states where it belongs and get the damn feds out of our lives - this would be a surefire way to avert the otherwise inevitable civil wars to come...

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited July 09, 1999).]
Okay... all those folks who have had property stolen from them by the IRS... They should get Fair Market Value including interest paid back to them... PLUS 50% as DAMAGES.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Coinneach, I wonder if the feds thought of using a Coloroado Springs phone book for their list of suspects. You could narrow it down by looking for someone with at least one thumb--you need it to flic a bic.
Fraud and Ricco violations carry a potential treble damages penalty. How 'bout if we force the next 200 years worth of politicians to work for a living paying it back?

I'd give them time off between Thanksgiving and Christmas to handle affairs of state, as the schedule was originally set. In fact, if they agreed to meet only during this time, I'd be willing to excuse them from pay back....I'd even double their salaries. Imagine a nation where your Congress met only long enough to pass legislation that you could read, comprehend and comment on?
Rich; When you dream, you really dream BIG , dont you?
I think we all would love it!

Better days to be,

Podium Speaker: "Support candidate Rich Lucibella for President!"
((Hands clapping.))

((Who's in charge of special effects?... Murphy?... Yeah, yeah, good man.))

((Murphy? Run the "candid conversation tape".))
1: "Did you hear who he's running with for Vice President?"
2: "I've never seen him but they say his name is something like Chee Chee."
1: "I haven't met him either, but I hear he's tough!"
2: "Yeah. Supposed to be real good with research and facts."
1: "Another anti-gun control type?"
2: "Yeah. Check this. Rich said gun control means all Xs, no 10s."((snickering))
1: "I think them Congressional bloodsuckers are in trouble."
2: "Yeah. I think so too. 'Bout time."

((Murphy? Key the nasty laughter.))

1 & 2: "Heh, heh, heh, heh."

Podium Spkr: "He loves America most, who votes for our host - Rich Lucibella!"
((Quiet cheering.))

((Turn up the cheering, Murphy.))

Podium Spkr: "Get Rich with Rich!"
((Loud cheering))

Crowd chanting: "Get Rich, get Rich, get Rich, get Rich!"

((Key the music, Murphy.))

"Happy times are here again........"

((Drop the balloons, Murphy.))

Crowd: "Lucibella's mighty fine! He brought us The Firing Line!

((Shift to the cheering Muppets, Murphy.))

Blue Muppet: "Rich makes waves not just a ripple,"
Red Muppet: "He'll charge that Pork Barrel Congress TRIPLE!"
((Loud cheering, brown Muppet's head explodes.))
((Nice touch, Murphy. Run the VP tape.))

Crowd now chanting:
"Rich and Chee Chee get the facts! "Soon there's no more income tax."

((Wild screaming and cheering!))

((Murphy? Is that you with the screaming?... Oh, from the crowd, huh? Well, let it run for bit.))

((Okay, it's slowing down. Now hit the sparklers.))



((all quiet))

((strained, faint voice slowly fades in, then out))

"What a mess. Murphy! You son of a..........))

Sleep deprivation. It's not just for weekends anymore...

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 10, 1999).]
The feds used income tax evasion to put Al Capone away.

Maybe fraudulent income tax legislation could put the feds away. Far away.

DC said something in a post about using the tax issue to wake people up, because it's something everyone cares about, as opposed to "intangible" things like, you know, rights, liberty, a law abing government... This sounds like a winning issue.

"Income tax revolution, anyone?"

If nominated, I will not run.
If elected, I will not serve.
(Pretty original, huh?) ;)

I would, however, accept the post of "Director, Civilan Marksmanship and Self Defense".
DC's agreed to take Attorney General. What her guys miss, "my" guys will mop up.
You guys have my votes...
But what can I do to help?

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Maybe if... naw... but.. aw heck with it.
What if we gave Saddam or Quaddafi (however he spells his name this week) ONE nuclear device, but only when Congress is in session? (heh, heh, heh)

(Pout)... and I tried so hard... It's because of that damned Murphy, isn't it?
But, hey. Rich! If you get to be DCM can you give me a break on a match M1??? HuH?

DC 4 AG? OK!

Seriously, how do we go about wiping out the Infernal Revenue Service?
(I hate the "sit and wait" concept...)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 10, 1999).]