Read THIS sportsfans and season ticket holders...


I just found that the Kansas City Chiefs, the KC Royals, St Louis Cardinals, St Louis Rams contributed big money to defeat the Prop B for right to carry. Now lets all idolize the billionaires that play games and drive ticket prices up. Lets all support these spoiled athletes who don't work for a living.
I'll bet that some of the players are gun owners and supported proposistion B. But be that as it may you're right we need to boycott the games. I know I will after reading your post. Damn, and the Cards are having a good start to the season.

Anheiser-Busch probably doesn't want any gun owners money either. Coors lost my business 10+ years ago when they donated 500K to The Coalition to Ban Handguns. Some days I'm glad I quit drinking. Now if I could just give up cigars, chasing wild women and visiting gun discussion groups until day light I'd be the picture of health. I'd probably just be beat to death by some crazie with a club since we can't (legally) carry a gun concealed in the "Show me state".

[For those of ya'll not living in MO. AB owns the Cards and on April 6th we lost Prop. B (Right to carry concealed) with an extremely close vote with 1,300,000 votes cast.]

Guys, Anheiser-Busch supported Prop B. and they support the shooting sports in general. I sent them an e-mail thanking them for their support and got a nice note back saying that they believe in individual freedoms and responsible behaviour and were happy to support Prop B, FWIW.
Bud is pro-RKBA. A response from them....

Thank you for recently contacting Anheuser-Busch with your views onProposition
B. We appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts as well assupport
with us. Anheuser-Busch has always supported individual freedoms and the
constitutionalrights of all Americans. We have a long tradition of promoting
responsiblefirearms ownership, as well as shooting sports.
Again, thank you for your email, your support and your loyalty toAnheuser-Busch.
Sincerely,Your friends at Anheuser-Busch

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate
Idolize athletes? No thanks. My generation can do without one more moron in puffy Orlando jacket and backward hat.

Now I'm really confused about Anheiser-Busch and Budweiser and whoever else they own. What is the deal, pro or con?

As for athletes, I wouldn't hold my breath. Why should pro athletes support any kind of CCW law? They know they can carry anything they want. When was the last time you heard of any celebrity of any kind getting anything more than probation for carrying an illegal firearm? Scottie Pippen comes to mind. He had a loaded 9mm of some sort under his car seat when stopped for a traffic violation. In Illinois, there is NO CCW for any reason, under any circumstance. In addition, a gun in a car has to be in a zippered case, unloaded, and the ammunition cannot even be in the same "area" of the car. Simply put, one has to be in the trunk and the other inside the car. If you have a gun and a box of ammo in the trunk, you're in violation. If you're Scottie Pippen, however, you get probation. There may have been a fine involved, it's been awhile, but it wasn't much as I recall.