Read it and cry!!

This is where "political correctness" and "anti-gun' gets you -- kids drawn on by coppers for having a bloody toy!

Read it for yourselves before they change it.

I could not find it. It may have already been removed.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
I didn't see it the article, but the situation Bruce describes is exactly what they should've expected.

Now that the Good Guys have been disarmed, the cops naturally assume that anyone with a gun is a Goblin.

The whole Oz situation is mind-boggling. Whose side are the politicritters on? The voters, or the criminals?
Sorry, people -- they updated their site and took the article off ;-(

Coinneach: The pollicritters are on ONE side only -- their own! Especially with a State election in New South Wales coming up this month, gunowners are getting ready to be kicked again for political mileage:

From the Australian Broadcasting Commission website:

Democrats back calls for handgun restrictions

Saturday 13 March, 1999 (7:54pm AEDT)

The Australian Democrats have backed calls by the National Coalition for Gun Control for tighter controls on handguns.

The Coalition for Gun Control wants a ban on the import of semi-automatic handguns, citing their role in recent shootings in eastern Australia.

The Federal Government says there does not seem to be any need to tighten controls on handguns, because the weapons are already covered by the National Firearms' policy.

But Democrats spokesperson on Justice, Senator Natasha Stott Despoja says the laws are not stopping handguns from entering the country. (Emphasis added)

NO laws will stop guns entering the country!!! -- our esteemed authorities didn't even find a 100-foot fishing boat of refugees sailing in plain sight down the Queensland coast, until it was beached and the refugees walked into town to buy some fast food!!
Arrrggghhh Polyselfservingbloodyticians :(

THUNK ... THUNK ... THUNK .... ( the sound of HS's head against a brick wall !) ;)

I just wish a gun owner would win the upcoming $20 million Powerball Lottery & put some of it to a good use ! :)

"The Gun from Down Under !"