RE17…..What is your experience?


New member
Well, Quickload helped me find RE17 for 300 Sherman with 190gr bullets….but my gun doesn’t really like it. Trying AA4350 now.

What has your experience been with RE17 in 270 win, 280 Rem/ai, 30-06 to 300 WSM sized cases?
I have used it in 30-06, but usually something slower. Where I use Reloder 17 a lot is in European calibers: 7.5x55 (only one I've found to match G11), 8x57, and 9.3x62. It's fairly versatile, but with all the powder choices today (when you can find them) I don't covet it as much as I once did.
R17 is in the 4350 powder group.

In theory its a good powder to work up to high velocity loads as you get more speed out of it with a longer expansion time (its a Swiss made powder)

Anything a 4350 Powder works in is worth a try in R-17. I used a lot of it for 30-06 and 7.5 Swiss back when no one knew what it was and you could get 5 lb jugs for a reasonable cost.

Like all powders you just never know. I get killer loads on my current 7.5 Swiss barrel out of H4831 of all things (I had lots of it and figured I would try it)
It all depends on whether your rifle likes it or not. It has approximately the same burn rate as IMR 4350, but that doesn't mean your rifle will like it. Try it, see if it makes sense.
My rifle doesn’t like something. I’m testing going away from R17 to AA4350.

I’m hoping AA4350 is going to deliver some accuracy.
My experience with R-17 with my 6.5mm CM showed me it seemed to be sensitive to bullet weight.

It shot some of the smallest group averages with 130 gr TMKs and shot some of the largest with 147 ELD-Ms.

H4350 shoots the most accurately across all weights.
Still have most of a 5 lb jug of R-17.
Maybe I ought to see if I can replicate the results with my other 6.5mm CMs, my .270 Win or my 30-06s.
About the only cartridge I use RL17 in is the 7x57 Mauser. I'd picked up a Winchester M70 Featherweight fairly cheaply considering it had a nice scope already mounted. I started searching for higher pressure data and saw a post by a fellow using RL17 in his 7x57 M70 FWT. I PMed him and asked for his data which was for the 150 gr. Nosler Partition. I started a few grains below his data and worked up slightly past his max without a problem. Brass life was exceedingly good and primer pockets still tight after ten loads starting with brand new factory Winchester brass. Results were for all practical purposes the same using Remington brass. Velocity at my max load is 2847 FPS with the 150 gr. Nosler Partition. Accuracy on average right at .50" in that rifle which has has bedding and trigger work done.

FWIW, I worked up to that load not only in the M70, but in a Ruger #1A and a custom rifle base on an FN Mauser acton. velocity is similar in the two and accuracy .75" for the Mauser and 1.2" for the Ruger.

All loads were worked up during Tucson's very hot late spring to mid summer temps running 100 plus degrees.

I should quit as that's a load that would work for just about anything I would hunt, up to and including elk. However, I'm getting the urge to see what I can accomplish using the 160 gr. Speer Hot Cores and Grand Slams I have on hand.
Paul B.
My rifle doesn’t like something. I’m testing going away from R17 to AA4350.

I’m hoping AA4350 is going to deliver some accuracy.

As R17 has disappeared I picked up an 8 lb jug of AA4350 a while back and am just starting in on test loads for it.

Now I have solved my small rifle primer problem I can go into test mode, I have 700 or so of the Scanner 120 in 6.5 so will play with those first (I got a great deal on a box of 500 and in Varget its my best (accurate and consistent) 6.5 load so far.
I tried it in my .25-06 with no problems. In fact it shot very well and gave a little higher velocity then I get with RL19.
Reloder 17 worked fine in my .270 Win and .270WSM with 130 gr bullets. I have since moved to Alliant Power Pro 4000-MR in the .270 Win, as it was easier to find (and cheaper). It has produced fine accuracy with basic Hornady 130 gr Interlock bullets.
I checked my supply and apparently I was saving the R17 for something (maybe the 7.5 Swiss).

As I have 5 lbs or so I am going to experiment with it in the 6.5 Lapua and see what it does. At 35 or so grains a shot it will last a long time.
Honestly... RE17 is the most forgiving powder I've ever used. I generally try some different powder whenever I get a new gun. If I can't get it shoot with that powder, I switch to RL17 and 9/10 times, it will shoot.

30-06, 270, WSMs, 6.5PRC, 7 Rem Mag, etc.
I tried it in 300 WSM. Reports from others and data said that I could get a little more speed than I was getting with a max load of H4350.

As I was working up loads I hit a pressure spike. I don't recall the details, but I was about 2 gr below a max load and everything looked good. When I went up another 1/2 gr I was getting more velocity than I should have been getting with a max load of another 1.5gr of powder.

Backing off that 1/2 gr got me about the same speed and accuracy as I had been getting with H4350.

That spooked me and I stayed with what had been working and just used H4350 for as long as I owned that rifle. RE17 SHOULD be a decent powder for my 30-06. I still have some but have never tried it in 30-06.

FWIW, I've read many reports of satisfied reloaders using it in 300 WSM, 30-06 and others. My case may be an anomaly, but I have other powders that are working for me.