Re: USA Today ad

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New member
Should we or should we not make The 2nd Amendment "wording" prominent in the ad, especially the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed ??
......... bk40
Well, maybe I was not clear enough. I think we should put it in. My question was really - should we emphasize those particular words in the 2nd Amendment, which I think we should!
Note: I have posted a link to the original USA ad thread at Eric's Glock Talk site. Add a few more allies & $$$.
No, the second amendment is not what is needed in this ad at all. If someone saw that text they would think that you all were a bunch of crazy right wing militia folk who should be ignored. The general public will have a difficult enough time mustering up much sympathy for your cause, and some over quoted text from some vague amendment (don’t think I believe the text is vague in any way) will just turn them off quickly.

[This message has been edited by snubber (edited March 04, 1999).]
Hate to be a party pooper, but all this is on the assumption they will print it !

It is the media after all.... ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"

Someone will print it, somewhere, if not USA Today. If it comes to that, if USA Today were to refuse to print it...the money would put the same message up on many, many billboards across the nation.llllll
I agree with snubber. I think the general public is sick and tire of hearing the phrase,"...right of the people to keep and bear Arms...".

Boy, billboards would be seen by more people than just the readers of USA Today and the message would stay around longer. A one day ad in USA Today would be tossed with the paper while the billboards would remain up for at least a month. We would not be able to have our names on the billboard (how the heck would anybody be able to read them?) but could have a tag line like: Sponsored by donations from firearms owners of STATE NAME.
The problem I see with billboards would be in making sure they were placed where people would see them. We would have to insist that the B.B.'s were placed along major highways, in or very near major cities. We would not be getting much of our message across if the billboards were placed along a two lane road that had 16 cars a week travel down it 40 miles from the nearest town.
Or maybe we could put the message on the back of city buses, they have ads for everything else on them and the rates are pretty cheap for a month. How would Mayor Daley of Chicago react if every 5th bus had our message on it? Or the P.T.B. (Powers That Be) in Washington DC?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited March 04, 1999).]
I have talked with BK40 through Email and we have agreed that we need to keep things focused right now.

I want everyone to be involved in this, obviously, and the more places we have to solicit $$$ from the better, but like I said in the main USA thread here at TFL:

Let's get the financial side cleared up before we start publicizing too much, otherwise we are just another "good idea" with no real structure, form or chance of suceeding.

For a start let's consolidate this into the main thread.
With Bk40's permission, I am closing this thread down, see you at the "other" USA Today thread...

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited March 04, 1999).]
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