Re: US Marines used to help confiscate Aussie firearms?


New member
From: Ivan8883 5-22-99 844PM EDT I had heard at least twice that US Marines were used to help in the confiscation of Australian firearms last year.In other words, these Marines were part of the UN gun grabbing program that is being pushed by such countries as Japan, Canada,and others(I am sure US Govt. is involved but behind the scenes and not as open, yet!) But I have no proof that US Marines were used.Does anyone have any concrete info onm this subject? Thanks
Was a load of hoo-hah not hoo-rah ;)

Nope didn't happen !!

Some MP's did lend a hand in a street brawl last year but zip, nada, zilch on the gun thing.

"The Gun from Down Under !"
No -- we heard this story -- it was investigated and there is absolutely no truth to it. If any were in Australia at the time, it was purely coincidental -- there was no involvement.

Did they swoop in on thier Black Helicopters? Were they wearing thier Ninja Suits? Were they being led by the U.N. and supported by Chinese follow on troops? Were they all staged in Aussie National Parks? But what about the Concentration Camps....

Oh wait... I have more questions, but I hear rotors in the distance and some Special Forces guys are kicking in my front door. Gotta go bury my guns....


Check me out at:
G'day Dan

You could be interested in the background to the rumour. Apparently, there were some Marines in Oz at or around about that time. They were supposed to be doing some exercises in Queensland at the jungle training school, with our guys and a bunch of Indonesians. The story went that they were doing urban assault training -- and some of the more radical gunowners put 2 and 2 together and came up with 5.
