I sent in a fully functional, but very rusty, Springfield in for one of these new teflon/poly finishes. Gun now looks great but doesn't work. It won't lock the slide open on an empty mag and it won't chamber the first round from a full mag from slide lock. I'm starting to hear that the finish is thick enough to change specs to the point of causing these problems. Can this be? This Springfield is a plain jane model, no ultra tight fitting, no match grade nothing. I have checked a little and it does appear that the slide stop is dragging on the pin enough to keep it from going into the notch freely. The bolt face does look like it would hang up a cartridge, especially with a tighter extractor fit. But why only a full mag? Sheesh, I should have lived with the rust, except that it was pretty bad and was even in some of the internal areas. Maybe I'll go with hard chrome from now on.