Re chambering a .223 rifle to 9mm...possible?


New member
I have an itch for a closed breach 9mm rifle to put my suppressor on! And I had the idea to just have a rifle smith re chamber a cheap bolt gun or single shot rifle to 9mm. Is this a feasible project or not? Thanks!
You mean rebarrel, I hope. You cannot simply rechamber a 223 to 9mm.

Yes, you can rebarrel a 223 to 9mm. And it might work, as long as you can get it to feed.
Not an expert but I believe using a 223 suppressor may not work for a 9mm.... Go to one of the gun stores and purchase a 9mm upper. I have wanted one myself but the expense is greater than my ability to justify the purchase...... I have 9mm pistols that should satisfy my need not counting the Browning 30-06 BAR......

Lemmon from Rural South Carolina
First: any repeater is going to require serious modification to function with 9mm.
Second: I'm assuming you chose .223 & 9mm since the case head is similar diameter-similar but not same. Modification needed there also(except a single shot).
Third: Your 9mm suppressor will work OK with most small volume, moderate pressure cartridges of smaller diameter(and some may work with rounds such as 300AAC) so limiting your choice to 9mm may not be optimum.
Most anything CAN be done-just not in a cost effective way.
The reasoning behind re barreling a .223 was because of the similar case head dimensions. Maybe I'll just have to look into .300 blk rifles if this turns out to be to expensive or complicated. Just seems like a fun project!
Ive got a Rem 700 in 300blk. Silly quiet with my subsonic ammo.

I also run a suppressed 9mm AR. IMO the Blk is a MUCH more versatile platform.

The downside (and it can be a big one) is ammo availability for the 300blk. Its getting better but you really need to reload to enjoy this caliber. Once you start reloading, its an awesome cartridge suppresses. 110gn- 220gn bullets at just under the speed of sound with the right powder can be CRAZY quiet thru a can
You could just buy a rifle in 9mm rather than trying to build one.

There are several options available in new guns, and a few more in older used guns

If you already have an AR platform rifle, you can get 9mm uppers and mag adapters

I doubt you'll find any bolt guns, although you should be able to get a barrel for a TC Contender or Encore frame
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The Spanish police once used a bolt action rifle in 9mm Bergman (or Largo) neat compact little rifle, mine is super accurate out to 100 yards. Would be an easy rebarrel to 9mm luger.
Oh's called a Destroyer
The one important question that hasn't been asked is what kind of rifle are you thinking about rebarreling?

Unless it's an AR, It might just be easier and cheaper to buy another rifle.
Also-a "closed breech" ? I presume you mean one where the fired casing is not ejected, a single shot or bolt action will perform that function easily.
Nothing is impossible, some things are more difficult than others. Or more economically feasible.
Try to find a Spanish destroyer carbine in 9x19mm. Not super common, compared to the 9x23 versions, but itis a Bolt action 9mm.
anything is possible, it just requires time, and money. There is a guy that turns M1 Garands into .458 Win Mags' and somehow they still are semiautomatic. The most simple way to do this would be to take something like a H&R single shot 20 gauge, (12, 16 whatever) and buy the drop in chamber adapters. Total would be about 350$ (i'm assuming you buy a new H&R, and a very expensive chamber adapter, plus overnight ship the stuff.) Then it migth cost a little more to adapt the can to mount on the rifle.
The most simple way to do this would be to take something like a H&R single shot 20 gauge, (12, 16 whatever) and buy the drop in chamber adapters.
Adaptors are gimmicks that are never as accurate as they should be

It's easier to find Contender barrels in 9 mm
Not with a regular .223 action. Certainly not a re-chambering job. The 9mm case head is roughly 20 thou bigger than the .223. And, of course, 9mm is not 5.56mm.
A .223 suppressor won't work at all though. Unless I'm extremely confused, the hole though it is close to bullet diameter.
However, like stevedscross says, anything is possible with enough time and money.
are there any rimfire rifles with actions strong enough for 9mm?

maybe feeding and such would be easier in a similar action because it is shorter?

short stubby rounds are notorius for being hard to feed properly, best bet is perhaps controlled round feeding? if you chose a standard bolt action to convert?
are there any rimfire rifles with actions strong enough for 9mm?

For what it would cost to convert one, you can buy a couple of nice Contenders

Most 22 actions just don't have enough extra metal to make it feasable, and the firing pin position is all wrong

There's no need to "convert" something when there are already options for sale from the factory