Rare L/H Colts?


New member
Got my Cabela's Fall Shooting catalog and low and behold there's a page full of rare Left handed Colts!
I nearly fell over then I realized they flipped the negative to fit the page...
There is, or was, a company here in Texas making a mirror image Colt clone. I haven't see one in awhile. This post kinda reminds me of the myth that Billy the Kid was left handed, all based on a flipped image tin-type.
Some folks believe that Sam Colt was left-handed, which is why the design of the SAA favors left-handed folks. The loading gate falls much more naturally for a southpaw than a right-handed person. If a soutbpaw opens the loading gate with his left hand, then reaches under the gun to work the ejector rod, it's a very natural movement.
At first I wasn't sure if it was light reflections or not, then I saw the Barrel Wedges and realized it was a flipped Negative.
I wonder if you could demand a gun just like the picture??? That'd be a Hoot!
I have herd the description of how the SAA is Left handed before. It fits the description!
I have too much free time on my hands!
Sorry to debunk the story about the SAA being designed for lefties, but the loading gate was put on the right side simply because it would fit into the old capping opening with less change to the forging dies. And the capping opening was on the right because for most folks, capping was easier if the gun was held in the left hand and the caps handled with the right.

Randall made about 500 Southpaw 1911s. After Randall closed, its tooling was purchased by MS Safarii Arms (Olympic Arms in Washington) which made less than fifty Renegades before lackluster sales shut down that line. Rocky Mountain Arms in Colorado also churned out a handful, but they were $1,500 each and that was too steep for this po' boy.

Quite frankly, I don't think you really get more ambidextrous than a black powder revolver. Cocks with either thumb, only one trigger and the loading lever really doesn't care which hand is your dominant hand.
Here are several views of my "reversed" revolver. Yes, the loading gate is on the left.
