Rapidfire Rimfire Pistol Match in North Alabama

Danny Creasy

New member
It was overcast and cold at the Crooked Oak range this morning. But, it was dry.

Seven of us showed with our rimfire handguns to take on the steel from 12 yards.


The shooter engages one row of silhouettes at a time. The range officer starts a timer with the shooter's first shot and stops the timer when the last silhouette in the row is down. Rams first, then turkeys, then pigs, and finally the fierce little chickens. One's aggregate time is his/her score. A three second good-shooting reward is subtracted from a row if the shooter goes 6 for 6 (no misses).

Andrew - rams

Andrew - turkeys

Andrew - pigs

Andrew - chickens (I was a little late on this one - oops)

His brother, John, engages the pigs
Looks like a fun contest and good practice. Shooting reactive targets is an excellent way to learn to focus on the sights and to not get distracted.