Rant: Idiots in Gun Shops! (long)


New member
I was in a local gun shop today and had three Beretta 92's (Beretta 92FS Inox, Beretta Elite, and Beretta Elite II) on the counter trying to decide which I would buy. I was in a conversation with one of the employees behind the counter when behind me I hear a voice say, "I wouldn't even consider buying a Beretta 92".

I turn around and here is some know-it-all in his mid-twenties acting as if he were the source of all truth regarding firearms. I ask why he wouldn't want a Beretta 92 (like I wanted to hear anything else from him). His response? "Didn't you see Lethal Weapon 4?" I immediately knew what he was referring to (scene where martial arts master removes slide from Mel Gibsons Beretta). I ask him what about it?, and he proceeds to explain how someone could dismantle the firearm before it could be used for protection.

I ask him to show me and hand him the Beretta Elite II (for those that haven't seen it it is based on the Brigadier model with the heavier slide). He fumbles around with it for 10-15 seconds trying to activate the takedown lever with his finger (holding the gun as if someone were pointing it at him), then turns the gun around so he can get his finger up over the lever (harder to do on that gun because the slide is wider) and finally gets the takedown lever activated. Meanwhile the shop guy says something to the effect of "who's going to wait around while you field strip their weapon?". Idiot gets done and pronounces, "see! wouldn't buy one!" I ask him if he thinks there is really anyone on earth who could do this in an actual confrontation (I wanted to ask if he would recommend one of those Colt SA's that I've seen in the movies that you never have to reload). He immediately goes into a diatribe about how the 9mm is ineffective anyway and doesn't have enough "knockdown power". "A .45 will put them down every time" he says. The shop guy kind of rolls his eyes. I decide its time to ignore him. He decides he's through talking with us, since we obviously don't know good advice when we hear it and wanders away.

I guess the thing that bothers me most about this (besides the fact that the idiot doesn't even know what I'll use the gun for, obviously thinks a total stranger can't make a decision without his enlightened input) is the fact that if I were a novice I might have sucked up every word he puked out. Also, there were other people around who very obviously were new to handguns (buying Christmas it looked like) and probably very impressionable. A punk like this runs his mouth off and gives them the idea that they really can believe what they see in the movies. Or worse, hey maybe I should get a larger caliber even though I don't know if I can handle the recoil effectively.

People like this really piss me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, I did put the Elite II on layaway, it is one sweet machine! :D

The only thing worse than the idiot in front of the counter is the one behind it. I don't know how many gun store salesmen I've talked to that give either questionable or downright incorrect advice, but let's just say that the knowledgeable ones are in the minority.

I know what you mean about these idiots. I also know how knowledgeable salesman are in the minority too. You just learn to ignore these idiots after awhile, or how to make them eat their words.

As far as the Elite II goes, I finally saw one last week that a guy had special ordered at my local store. SWEET!! I have to get one of those! His was the 96, but I think I'll get it in the 92 configuration. I really liked how they recontured the backstrap and added the checkering. And the trigger pull was unbelievable compared to my M9 Special Edition. Whats the suggested retail on one of those bad boys anyway?
Hey glockjeeper.

They are excellent looking guns. Won't know how they shoot til mine comes off layaway. Saw some pretty great looking groups in a gun rag (of course Ernest Langdon was behind the gun).

The shop I found them in had them for $669, not including tax and BCI. The Elite was $610. I had a rough time deciding, but the Novak sights, stainless slide, checkering, and the target crowned barrel won me over.

By the way, one thing that did concern me (look at this if you find one) was that the muzzle is very sharp. It looks like they cut it off with a laser. If the barrel was longer (protruded further from the slide) I would worry about my leather!

Those Novak sights were so small they were cute! The way the two-tone looks reminds me of the limited edition two-tone regular 92FS I had a few years back. I would pick the Elite II over the Elite I anyway because of the features.
Grrrr. I hate hearing stories like that, because it shows what morons are lurking in the "local" gunstores everywhere.

Actually, I hate seeing people who don't know what they're talking about behind the counter as well. I'm no expert by any means, but what's the deal with no gun salesperson knowing what a CZ-75 is? Everywhere I go and see one, I have to explain what it is. One guy even asked me who made it. Kind of like asking who makes the Beretta 92. It's self-explanitory.
I always said I'd never bother with a Beretta 92 because they're just too damned big for a 9mm.

Then along came a deal on one with 5 hi-cap magazines, and I just couldn't turn it down. It's my primary nightstand gun, it's accurate, it's reliable, and it's fun to shoot.

The biggest problem with it is that the sights are absolutely MINISCULE.

Even so, it's going to Pennsylvania with me over Christmas. :)
The guy was idiotic, all right, and ill-mannered as well: I think it's downright rude to stick an oar into somebody else's pond without being invited. Also, the idea that he'd rely on a movie (!!!) for accurate information about guns is stupid almost beyond belief. Finally, if I were the shopowner, I'd be furious at the guy's attempt to slander my merchandise and ruin the sales I depended on for my livelihood. :rolleyes:

BTW, I'm a big Beretta 92 (and 96) fan. I've got a couple of them, and would not hesitate to buy another.
I usually decide what I want handgun wise before I go to a gunshop. You'll hear more word of mouth lies and rumor/legend in one trip to the gun store than a teenager's slumber party gossip session. Learn about the guns you're interested in, get advice from people who own several, and don't take everything you hear at a gunshop (from in front of the counter or behind it)as the gospel.
There is an old proverb that goes something to the effect of "The wise man listens while the fool chatters". Sounds applicable here.

Being a Gun and Computer nerd I see this everyday when I go computer stuff shopping Most of the drivel spews from the Pimple faced kid behind the counter....I hate having to educate the salesman so he can tell me "we don't got that" the same with discount gun dealers....See Wal-mart you get some great advice there...:D

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I got the exact same rant from a guy the first time I took my Beretta to the range. I had a 1911 with me also and he said to sell the Beretta and stick with the 1911. He showed me his Glock and I tried firing it. The gun fired but it didn't fit me and I said the Reason I own a Beretta 92FS is because the GUN FITS MY HANDS! YOUR GUN DOES NOT!!!!!!!! I get people telling me all kinds of stories I get a kick out of all the guys at rifle ranges that talk about all the stuff they can do or what there buddies rifle does. THERE A A LOT OF GOOD QUALITY GUNS OUT THERE BUT THERE ARE NOT A LOT OF GUN OWNERS THAT KNOW HOW TO USE THERE OWN WEAPONS!!
2 More morons

Guns and cars seem to have some magical attraction for blowhards and morons. I was at a gun shop one day when I noticed a guy handling a scoped hunting rifle. He was aiming it at various spots in the store. His pre-teen daughter stepped in front of the muzzle, complaining of some indescretion her little brother had committed. The guy says, "Suzie, get out of the way, you are BLOCKING DADDY'S SCOPE!" She stood her ground and he kept aiming at her head for a minute or two before he threatened to "Paddle your ass". I left with a sick feeling that lasts to this day. The other incident was at a gun show. Daddy and junior are walking by a table full of handguns. Junior points to small Raven/Jennings-type pocket auto and says he likes it. Daddy says, "Naw, you don't want a .25, if you shot somebody with it he could just catch the bullets out of the air with his hands." Little Junior says wide eyed, "Wow", and they continue walking through the show.
Most of the guys I've dealt with in gun stores (not all but most) are blow hards who barely know the difference between a semi auto and a revolver. That being said, most of them are also very young. Where do they get these guys from? Personally I'm young, 33, and enjoy talking to older (50);) gents who have actually shot the weapon and have some knowledge. I'm lucky in that a very good friend of my Dad's is a gunsmith and lives close to us. He's of reasonable age, 62. :)

I think the gun store guys are made at the same place they make people who work for the DMV. :)

Sometimes I like to ask questions that I know they won't know the answer to. It's fun to watch them squirm. Had one offer me $ 75.00 for my Colt Delta Elite 10mm with 6 factory mags. And he said that he really couldn't go that high but because I was a nice guy he would. ha! ha! he! he! Made me want to shoot him with the Delta. Just kidding.
I take it with a grain of salt for the most part, unless it's the owner. Not much of a margin on guns, hard to pay for good sales help.
I do get a little pissed when you walk in and ask "DO you have a XYZ?" "AN XYZ, what the hell do you want one of those for, what you really want if this EIEIO thing right here"

Catch bullets in the hands!?!?!?

Now that is stupid. I wonder what pop will say if the kid gets hold of a gun and tries it. Probably join HCI.

I have heard many stories. One of the common ones is that if your opponent has a .45 auto, you just push in on the front of the gun and it won't fire. For years, the military taught this as a "safety" of the 1911, but it is true of any short recoil operated pistol. Of course, the guy with the gun just pulls it back and the wiseguy gets instant stigmata. Or he has a full length guide rod.

Another whopper is that a bullet from a .45 will not penetrate a silk handkerchief. If a silk handkerchief is held by the top, a .45 bullet will strike it, and fall to the ground. Even after I proved to one idiot that this was nonsense (his handkerchief, my .45) he insisted the story was true and told me "maybe the handkerchief isn't 100% silk."

Some of the stuff I hear from morons almost makes me believe in intelligence tests for gun buyers.

Here's another one

My wife just reminded me of another incident. She has quite a bit of knowledge about guns. She skims over the gun mags and asks alot of questions. Last Christmas she was shopping around for a Kimber .45 to give to me as a gift. She went into the store and asks the 20-something sales clerk to show her the Kimber Classic Custom. He chuckles and asks her why she wants to buy a Kimber. She says she has read that they are the best production 1911 around. He says, "No, no, no. You are thinking of Colt. People mix them up all the time. Colts are much better guns. We have some of the last ones left because they are going to quit selling them to civilians. Only $1000. They are going to be collector's items so that is a bargain." The guy handed her a stainless 1991A1 Colt. She looks it over, thanks the kid, and has since imposed an economic boycott on the store.
One of the older gentlemen at a gunstore I go to was trying to sell me a six shot speed loader for my five shot SP 101! I told him logically it wouldn't work. He insisted the two were interchangable. In the end I proved him wrong. This same guy is always making mistakes and is basically full of crap.