"Ranger" shotguns questions


New member
I've got a friend who has what he says is a "Ranger" 20ga bolt-action shotgun that uses a magazine to give it a 5 rd capacity. Anybody ever heard of these or have one. The screw that holds the trigger group onto the barrel and stock is missing and I'm trying to figure out where to start looking for one. Thanks in advance for any help!
I have a Ranger .22 - They were a brand name of one of the big chain stores like Sears or Monkey Wards. It is hard to tell who made them sometimes. You can do a google search for Ranger and any identifying marks. Somewhere on the net there is a page that lists some of these old guns and who made them. If it is a bolt action shotgun it isn't really worth much, I wouldn't spend too much money or time fixing it up. I'll post the webpage if I can find it...

My guess is that it is a Mossberg or Savage/Stevens.
Numrich Gun Parts (e-gunparts.com) has an on-line cross reference of "house" brands and the actual manufacturer.
That Ranger should have a model number. Post it and one of us may be able to cross it to the manufacturer. Some Ranger model #s have letter suffix or number after decimal point. Must have entire model number. At least six companies made "Ranger".
