Range Time


New member
Just curious, But if I may inquire, About how many times a week, month or year do you spend time at the range with your gun of choice. I've been trying for once a week but the weather and work schedules dictate otherwise. And also how long do you spend shooting. Just curious.

Happy Shooting :)

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.
My goal is to go to an IDPA match every other week. I think going to matches is ten times better than just going to a range and sending lead down range. You have to react under pressure to moving targets, different distances, and make reloads. You can shoot drills or do scenarios.

Now I am not saying range time is bad. It isn't. I use it to work on grip and checking for accuracy. Lately, I have been traveling to Detroit on business, and I try to get to an indoor range every week.

Anytime you spend time at the range is time well spent.

I usually go to an indoor range at least once a week, generally with two different pistols, for an hour.


i try to go to the gun club at least
once a week. usually i will take
just one centerfire and one rimfire
handgun. i try to rotate my handguns
so they and i can all get a regular
workout.i try to have some training
scenario in mind when i arrrive at
the range.this can always be altered
to add to the fun.time spent will
vary from 1 to 3 hrs depending on my
time available,the number of people
at the firing line.whether or not i
brought a quest and the type of
shooting i have planed.i make notes
and add then later to a ledger to
try to improve.take care.


Since I live just 5 minutes from the Out-Door range that I belong to, I should be there much more than I am! :)

It really depends on my shedule and weather...I try to go at least a couple of times a month. The past several weeks, I've been 10+ times! :)

I shoot one IDPA match each month. I'd shoot more, if I could find another one close to home.

[This message has been edited by DMSC (edited January 06, 2000).]
I seem to be shooting at least one or more matches a week. And it has taken a toll on my practice time. I am noticing my concentration slipping and I am seeing small breaks in my form. Johnboy is right. Match time does let you work on things you can not do during normal range time. However, no practice time keeps you from reinforcing those basic mechanics.

I am heading back to the range to do just the opposite John. I WANT to go slow. Say the words.. Front Sight .. PRESSSSSSSSSSSS... FOCUS.. FRONT SIGHT. I want to slowly shoot one hole groups.

In short I need to concentrate on the making my mechanics as clean as I can. So when I get back on line at the next IDPA match, those mechanics are strong and I can deal with the pressure, time, and movement we use there. :cool:

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
Nowdays, once or twice a week with one to three guns a trip, for an hour and a half. Used to work 5 minutes from range, then I was shooting 3-4 times a week.

Trying to get some plates and matches in 2000.

The Seattle SharpShooter
If it can't shoot jacketed rat turds powered by mouse farts, I ain't gonna shoot it!
Depends on the time of year. April through August I shoot my bow every morning and a handgun about three days a week. Shoot trap every other Sunday. In the fall, I shoot a rifle a couple of times a week and shotgun every weekend.

In the winter I can't get to an indoor range so I try to shoot a handgun twice a month at least. Bow never gets shot and the rifle only comes out to kill predators.

I hit a plateau in my shooting years ago and to be honest I no longer have the drive or self discipline to try to improve. I am thinking I need to take up IDPA since I Don't Practice Anymore.
I get down to the range at least once every two weeks, though usually once a week. I work as Range Safety Officer one day a month and get a great price break and money to cover most of the ammo, so that helps.

At least one day is action pistol competition.

Usually take one revolver (500 or so rounds a month) and a Ruger M512 (also 500+ rounds per month) to keep costs down while practicing acquisition and some of the othe mechanics.

[This message has been edited by Guy B. Meredith (edited January 06, 2000).]
Thanks guys for the input. While it seems that I may be going once a week, I'm not spending enough time and shooting enough.
Usually spend about 1-2 hours with 2 guns and maybe about 100 -150 rounds. maybe I should spend that amount with one gun only.
No matter how long it is time well spent :)

Happy Shooting :)

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.
Only twice a month. But normally at least one training class per year and during summer some informal shooting on weekends. Normal shoot 50rds 22 then 9mm and next time 45acp. Close off night with my everyday carry piece 380. Relaxing hour and a half normally. Lots of breaks to talk to others and some slow then two targets for rapid fire changing back and forth. Looking at finding a action league in my area.
Oh yea also re-cert shoot annually.
One a week, if I'm not too busy, otherwise, one every week and a half/two weeks, for about one hour.
I practiced once a month but I stay more than my actual shooting time. I even go to the range without shooting so just to talk with other gunners and learn more about shooting.
