Range Session and Inventory App


New member
I have provided some very good apps for our community since June 2011. Well 2020 is causing me to work and focus on my day job. I am sharing the message below.

Apple has a requirement that all apps must support all screen sizes and use other aspects of iOS 13 by June 30, 2020. The Gun Log apps are very complex with hundreds of UI elements developed originally for iOS 4. I do not believe I will be able to meet their deadlines. With the current economic conditions of Spring 2020 I can not afford to work a lot on these apps that combined made about $80 a month in 2019. I am putting my efforts into keeping my day job. I will work on Gun Log SPC, which means that Gun Log and Ballistics GL will be discontinued. Those with Gun Log should switch to Gun Log SPC. Just copy the database from Gun Log to Gun Log SPC, it is the exact same format. Gun Log SPC is just like Gun Log and does not use Apple's CoreData to save the database on Apple's Cloud Storage. Gun Log SPC does print and email which are two features Gun Log does not have. I will make the Apps free so that everyone has a chance to get what they need and have the best path to a new version someday.
Looks like a very handy app.

No Android version? Your web site says it requires iOS 12.2 or newer. I assume that rules out my late wife's iPhone 4 ...
I have used Ballistics GL occasionally but over the course of a number of years and I really love having it. I don’t know if I need, will use or will enjoy Gun Log SPC, but I’ll take free advice from a trusted source, so I’ve now just installed it.

Thanks for these apps that you’ve made and shared! :D