range safty


Does your group run a hot range or cold?
Seems to be a debate which is safer.
Our Three Gun Shoots are always unload and
make safe. However, which is safer for Combat
Action using handguns? Emptying unused ammo
at the completion of your run then reloading
when again ready to shoot? Or, topping off
and reholster for your next run?
Which is best?

Thanks for any input,

[This message has been edited by easyday (edited January 05, 2000).]
easyday - I can only discuss first hand IPSC shooting. Sanctioned USPSA matches are run under a cold range. Magazines can be kept loaded, but not inserted in the gun. The gun is only loaded when the competitor comes to the line to shoot and is given the instruction to "load and make ready." The competitor unloads and shows clear under the direction of the range officer after completing the course of fire.
The only time a gun is kept hot is if there is more than one string during the course of fire. The gun usually remains "hot" between strings, but it is at the discretion of the range officer.

I would recommend all matches open to the public be held under a cold range. There has only been one death in a USPSA sanctioned match which was a freak accident. A young teen on the range that wasn't even competing or watching the match got hit by a ricochet in the head. The resulting lawsuit was a real mess for the range, shooting club, and their members.
Every IDPA match I have competed/attended has been run on a cold range. I agree with the idea for several reasons. But I think the most important is we get on average from 7 to 15 new shooters at each match. A majority of these have NEVER competed at any level. Texas is a land of wide open spaces and a large percentage of people learn to shoot "out on the back 40". Rigid safty rules are not something to which they have been exposed. After a few matchs, under controled conditions, they become very safe. But it does take a bit of training.

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
I run a hot range, When you come to the line you'd better be ready to shoot.

The tactical matches I shoot are ran on a hot range as well.
Tony N, I agree with you. If you arn`t ready
to shoot safe, quick and accurate in competition or in self defense, seek further
instuction. Anyway, I believe a hot range is
safer as there is lsss handling of the gun.

The Fort Valley Gun Club range control procedures require the firing line to be called "HOT" prior to firing, and "COLD" when firing is completed.

All ranges at FVGC assume the line is "HOT" until verified otherwise.

Behind the firing line, GA state CCW rules apply.

What would you call this, A hot range or cold range?

Executive Range Officer
Fort Valley Gun Club
Fort Valley, Georgia

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited January 08, 2000).]
Sensup, yours is a cold range. Hot would be
after the course of fire- reload, weapon safe, reholster and await your next turn.
The range is hot in front of the line and all other areas. There is a designated area
to the rear and side , facing away, for ANY
gun handling. Weapon remains in holester at all times. NO EXCEPTIONS.
As for ccw behind the line---this is strange
indeed. Do you have open carry in Ga?
If not do you have to throw a black cloak over the weaponery or hide it under clothing?