range safety issues related to drugs/psychiatry..


New member
We don't want people under influence of drugs on the range, and we have to keep an eye open..
Because, whos under influence of drugs? That person from the neighborhood that did " a couple of unwise things" as young? The person that is convicted for a drug related crime? That person you spotted on the town, that looked a little "weird" ? That person who hangs out with "those", or perhaps that well trained person with camo pants, tight t-shirt and sunglasses who is constantly grinding his teeth ?

Drugs/psychiatry and firearms is a bad mix, what if somebody goes mental and starts to see blue goblins everywhere ?
That could get really nasty!

here's a example
http://news.aol.com/article/mom-in-gun-range-shooting-left-notes/418055 :eek:
Think being sober will help you?

What are you going to do if while at the range, the russians invade the country, you are taken hostage, and forced to ingest drugs like lsd, pcp, meth, thc. Well, turns out you probley will not be able to maintain a rational train of thought.
So basically what you are saying is that a "wierd" person who did not seek treatment would be more safe at a range without drugs or medication?
What are you going to do if while at the range, the russians invade the country, you are taken hostage, and forced to ingest drugs like lsd, pcp, meth, thc. Well, turns out you probley will not be able to maintain a rational train of thought.

Umm... Yeah... So, let me get this straight. While I'm at the range, the Russians are going to invade the US ("Red Dawn" style, I presume), capture me, then force me to ingest large quantities of recreational drugs? :confused:

Two things spring to mind:

1) Sounds like somebody may have visited this range right before posting:)

2) Give me the address of this range so I can head straight there, I mean of course, avoid it;) in the event war breaks out with the Ruskies.
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To Visaman, I have no idea how you could pre-screen for drugs prior to going to the range. We managed to get around everything that this country could do back in the 60's just to listen to music.

I think that short of having on-site blood testing (and that's not certain) you'll have to go with your instincts.